Exelon Corporation embarked on a bold, new mission: to reimagine energy for people and the planet. They appointed ArtVersion to lead a design that helped bring this vision to life.
Exelon Corporation
Elevating a Brand Ecosystem
The collaboration with Exelon Corporation was a layered project collaboration that included designs that spanned from collateral materials—banners, swag, handbooks, and more, to UI/UX development, social media assets, and responsive design and development. All aligning together in a cohesive brand ecosystem and an elevated design language.
Color Selections
The color selections adhered to Exelon's established brand standards, however, their usage was incorporated creatively throughout each initiative to offer a new visual edge. Whether for greater emphasis in collateral or incorporated throughout logo gradients, the color palette felt fresh every time.
Responsive UI
Custom Icons
Custom Employee Resource Group Logo Designs
The Employee Resource Group (ERG) creative process was a dynamic journey that embraced diversity at its core. With a rich tapestry of diverse groups within the organization, ArtVersion's creative team embarked on the challenge of crafting unique logos in alignment with Exelon's brand standards. The primary goal was to delve into the distinct cultures and belief systems of each ERG, ensuring that the essence of their identity was thoughtfully captured in the design. Through a collaborative and inclusive approach, ArtVersion sought to celebrate the individuality of each group, fostering a sense of pride and unity within the broader Exelon community.