XS Tennis
Graphic Design
Web Design
Giving a non-profit the tools they needed to create change and expand their mission, ArtVersion collaborated with XS Tennis and Education Foundation to launch a website introducing as many Chicago youth as possible to XSTEF’s program, creating pathways to college, graduate school, and successful futures.
XS Tennis needed to reflect the community and strength of it’s program and stellar advisory board, not only for youth and participants, but also provide impact and credibility for current and future sponsors and engage contributors.The website interface is designed to project vision, strength clarity, energy – resonant of the program, it’s team, mentors, and community.
A donation format was designed with “building brick” storytelling, creating engagement and participation opportunities for all levels of financial contribution and sponsorship. “It takes a village to build one…” The ArtVersion team is honored to have a part in building this very important initiative.