Beauty Packaging.

Beauty branding made over

Project Disciplines

Graphic design
Marketing collateral
UX Design

The Challenge

Recently, an established lifestyle product development company reached out to ArtVersion to refresh the packaging and identity for one of their benchmark products. Looking to gain real estate in identified retailers nationwide and expand their market share, the team sought to rethink, rename and repackage their growing line of personal beauty accessories.

A person doing their makeup with a mirror.

Establishing A Differentiator

In collaboration with company’s product designers, the ArtVersion design and content teams engaged in an initial evaluation of the existing market, inclusive of an extensive analysis of competing products and brands. Brand positioning was established based in part on company goals and customer preferences and iterations on brand naming were explored. Favoring a clear pathway for the user, BeautyVue was developed with aligning brand guidelines, logo, content strategy and color schemes for each product segment.

A person putting on makeup.
Beauty industry packaging design.
Packaging design.
Box packaging design.
Packaging design.
Blue logo design.
A person applying makeup.
A person holding makeup.
Package design.

Retail Packaging Design

Characterized as a time-saving, smart personal accessory product, BeautyVue products feature stand out details that required careful attention to packaging specifications. Reflecting important features of the product line, the packaging engages with the user through die-cut windows providing the user a ‘peek’ of the product. To ensure consistency throughout, custom in-house photography was implemented. Each BeautyVue package features in-depth detail, offering users a thorough product description, vibrant and custom imagery specific to each product and calls to action on the path to purchase.