BridgePeak Capital

Logo for capital markets company designed by ArtVersion design agency.

BridgePeak Capital, an emerging independent investment management firm was seeking a trusted design agency that would establish their brand’s design language from the ground up across print and digital.

Project Disciplines

Brand strategy
Graphic design
Marketing collateral
Web design
Infographic design displayed on a tablet digital device.

Web Design and Development

To showcase BridgePeak Capital’s services of helping clients grow their portfolios, ArtVersion designed and developed their website that would provide an inviting and contemporary UI, but also intersected professionalism and authority.

The website attained a simple navigation and user pathway design that would allow potential and growing clients to find their services and get in touch with ease and efficiency, without sacrificing a visually engaging user experience. The website was coalesced with visual elements that played off the sharp edges of the logo design for a balanced, refined look.

A poster ad design for a financial firm company.

Web Design

UI/UX Screens
Home header landing page of a financial company website.
An investment firm company web design page.
A financial company web page of the step by step process.
An in depth information of a financial company web design.
A web screen of an investment financial firm company webpage.
A page layout of an investment firm company web design.

Brand Enablement with Marketing Strategies

As a growing company, brand enablement for consistency and cohesion internally and externally was key.

To achieve this, ArtVersion developed and refined a suite of graphics and designs that were applied across marketing initiatives, promotional products, business stationery, and other branding elements. The team also designed professional business cards for the BridgePeak team with their newly developed branding colors and logo that would capture attention and evoke the feeling of professionalism.

Our process page section.
Moss Screen Grid
A financial web ui displayed on a mobile screen.
A financial website displayed on a screen of a mobile device.
Person holding mobile phone showing a financial website.
An infographic displayed on a mobile device.

Custom Logo Design

ArtVersion played a crucial role in shaping BridgePeak Capital’s brand identity, a key element of which was developing its name and logo.

Through thorough research and analysis of the competitor positioning, a fitting name was conceived that reflected the firm’s aspirations and ethos. The chosen name, BridgePeak Capital, was born out of a deliberate naming strategy and the development of a naming guide for the BridgePeak team to select from.

The logo design evoked the new name through the representation of a summit peak overlapping two mountains. The decision to utilize this design direction was meant to symbolize the unity and partnership of BridgePeak and its clients—reaching the summit of success together. The logo was carefully designed to ensure that it would be easily translated across all materials without losing its integrity.

Color Palette

The color palette developed was curated to have a bold, vibrant, and welcoming feel while still emphasizing professionalism, authority, and trust. Market Indigo suggested stability, as blue often does in design, and particularly for this UI kit, trust was a critical value for a company leading in financial matters. On the other end of the spectrum, Sunrise Orange offered the perfect amount that was useful in branding, to set the company apart from competitors with more traditional color schemes. To balance the dichotomy of the colors, the white and grey provided a neutral, clean balance.

Branding color palette for a financial firm company.
An isolated letter "A" in Open Sans typography.
Open Sans
Open sans typeface of the letter A in bold weight.
Open Sans


Opens Sans conveys professionalism and modernity, which were two crucial aspects that ArtVersion was seeking in the design choices. Its readability is effective and clear, which is paramount for an investment company that needs to convey complex financial information simply. The typeface's versatility across different platforms and devices also ensured consistent branding. Its contemporary style complemented the bold and professional color palette, reinforcing the image of a forward-thinking and reliable investment firm.

The Outcome

The branding and online presence for BridgePeak Capital gave the company a significant boost in the finance sector. Their unique, modern, and engaging design distinguished them from competitors, leaving a lasting impression on potential clients. Post-launch, BridgePeak effectively fulfilled its goal of assisting its clientele with a design system and brand ecosystem that was personalized to its mission.