Exelon Employee Resource Group

A group of people with ERG logos on their t-shirts.

A Commitment to Inclusivity

Exelon, the nation's leading competitive energy provider, continued its inclusivity initiatives with Employee Resource Group (ERG) logos to showcase each diverse array of groups within the company.

  • Branding
  • Graphic Design
  • Strategy
  • Research

Creating Over 13 Distinctive ERG Logos to Celebrate Diversity at Exelon

To highlight Exelon's commitment to diversity and inclusion, the company posed ArtVersion with a task to create distinct logos for each Employee Resource Group.

The project goal was to visually represent the unique identity of each ERG, acknowledging the varied cultural, historical, and thematic elements that define them. The design process commenced with an in-depth research phase, where ArtVersion delved into the distinctive characteristics of each ERG. The exploration covered the nuanced connections specific to each group. 

Following the research, ArtVersion met with each ERG group. The team had engaging discussions focused on the groups' objectives, preferred design elements, and the overall message they wished to convey visually through their logos. This collaborative approach ensured that the designs were aligned with their vision and expectations. The logos were contextual, expressive, and innovative. Each logo was designed to encapsulate the identity of its respective ERG, to be a symbol of pride and unity for its members.

CADERA erg logo in white.
Emac erg logo in white.
PRIDE erg logo in white.
An erg logo featuring a mosaic.
NATIVE logo in white.
ECO white erg logo.
An erg logo in white.
A erg logo in white.
ole erg white logo symbol.
White eaara logo symbol.
Logo in white.
ASIA erg logo in white.
Custom ERG logo design.
A person waving a pride flag at a parade.
A pink lotus flower.
aarg logo.
developing young professionals logo.
A young business professional in an office.
A family smiling with trees behind them.
nexis logo.
emac logo.
A military father in uniform playing with his son.
A dreamcatcher with feathers hung from a tree.
esnap logo.
mosaic logo.
A mosaic of blue tiles.
Two people talking and looking at a laptop.
enabled logo.
ole logo.
A person holding a blue instrument.
People cleaning up trash on a beach.
eco team logo.
eaara logo.
A person wearing a green dress.
A tropical island with a view of the ocean and a sunset.
cadera logo.
Logo design.
A group of women talking.
A flyer with information of PRIDE.

Diverse Design Directions

With the many options and directions to take that would represent each logo, ArtVersion developed different logo directions for each group to ensure that they were properly and accurately represented.

The strategy was established with a deep understanding that diversity is not just about representation but about celebrating unique identities within a cohesive brand narrative that represented Exelon accurately as well. Presented with a range of design directions, Exelon and the respective ERGs selected the representation that most authentically captured their identity and mission. Once a design was chosen ArtVersion optimized each final design for aesthetic standards and the practical considerations of brand alignment. Together, ArtVersion and Exelon celebrated diversity, creating a suite of ERG logos that are as distinct and dynamic as the groups they symbolize.

aarg logo design.
aarg logo design.
aarg logo design.
Pride logo design.
Pride logo design.
Pride logo design.
eco erg logo design.
eco erg logo design.
eco erg logo design.
Enabled logo design.
Enabled logo design.
Enabled logo design.
A purple mug with a logo on it.

Brand Guidelines for ERG Logos

Following the selection of each logo, ArtVersion undertook the creation of detailed brand guidelines for each one.

This crucial step for consistency in logo usage, including specifications for dimensions, color schemes, and placement. These guidelines were an essential tool and reference document, aligning both internal and external stakeholders on the correct application of the logos across various communications platforms. Additionally, the guidelines provided insight into the anatomy and significance of each logo, illuminating the unique identity of every ERG within Exelon’s diverse spectrum.

Logo Adaptations for Enhanced Brand Presence

ArtVersion extended its collaboration with Exelon by ensuring the new ERG logos were versatile across a wide range of applications, amplifying the pride and visibility of each group.

The logos were carefully adapted for use on various merchandise, marketing materials, and promotional items, including sweatshirts, water bottles, and tradeshow display items. This optimization guaranteed that the logos maintained their integrity and impact, whether showcased on apparel or as part of Exelon’s broader marketing and engagement efforts.

A black and white cap with a logo on them.
A table cloth with a logo on it.
A white t-shirt with a logo on it.
Branding—three different colored notebooks with the same logo on them.
A purple sweatshirt with a logo on it.
Four different colored knit hats with logos on them.

Social Media for ERG Visibility

Proper presentation of the logos for social media was also pivotal for this multi-layered initiative.

The ArtVersion team created specific social media tiles and posts, each designed to represent the unique context, identity, and initiatives of the individual ERGs. This part of the project created a greater awareness of each group's mission and values while simultaneously reinforcing brand consistency and inclusivity across digital platforms. By strategically demonstrating the visuals on social media, Exelon was able to celebrate and share the diverse identities and contributions of its ERGs with a global audience.

Two social media templates for a corporate company.

Final Result

The successful completion of the ERG logo design and development project had a profound impact on Exelon’s mission of fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. By visually celebrating the myriad identities within its teams, Exelon reinforced its status as a forward-thinking leader in the energy sector. The initiative crafted a cohesive and consistent identity for the company and its ERGs and symbolized a unified brand ethos.