Two mobile screens displaying website of an eye health are in ai technology.

Project Disciplines

Web Design and Development
UI/UX Design
Home page design with heading for an eye care artificial intelligence company.
Home intro paragraph section of a website for an eye health care company.
Why choose page section for an eye health care company.
AI algorithms webpage for an eye health care company.
Radial purple rings and circles graphic brand elements.

Dynamic Web Design 

ImagingAI, a software company that utilizes AI technology for those in the optometry industry, was ready to revolutionize the eye care space.

Needing a UI/UX design for their website, the team approached ArtVersion for web design services. The goal was to help increase conversions in the industry and introduce their innovative software to stakeholders. To achieve this, ArtVersion focused on a UI/UX experience that prioritized lead generation with a robust design system and engaging user experience. Each user pathway was built to invite healthcare practitioners to learn about their services, with a level of trust and transparency to keep them engaged in the potential of conversion. The website was developed to be scalable, as their services would be growing in the future, therefore the website was curated to grow with the company. The digital experience was composed of core pages such as their story, a deep dive into their technology, case studies for credibility, and resources to learn more—all funneled and connected to reach their contact page for audience growth.

Core values tile section in a flat ui screen of a web site for an eye health care ai company.
A green gradient slider tiles graphic ui ux web design.
A laptop showcasing a website design of an artificial website company specializing in eye health care.

UI/UX Design and Development

The goal for the design language was to evoke a feeling of high-end technology to emulate the power of their AI software, while also creating an underlying layer of approachability.

The team did not want to stray too far from their industry standards, as to not isolate their audience, but rather excite them on the potential of what AI could do for them. With that in mind, ArtVersion designed graphic motifs to emulate an eye, in a subtle way, which was furthered with visual impact as it became animated to create a layer of interactivity.

The rounded elements were used across other areas of the website as well—rounded pill shapes for calling out key information that was enhanced with custom CSS for animation and dynamic movement. Further emphasizing a modern and high-tech aesthetic, ArtVersion also included glassmorphism over visual assets and photography for a unique visual style. The overall UI/UX of the website was also optimized for responsive devices as well to open channels for greater user engagement.

Wireframe designs to web ui ux designs for an eye care artificial intelligence company.
A laptop screen showcasing a website of an eye healthcare company using artificial intelligence.
Optometry website interface in green color.
Moss Screen Grid
A laptop screen displaying a website utilizing ai technology in eye health care.
Web design for an eye health care using ai technology.
Light purple radial graphic with circles.
Continuous research and development section on web page.

Responsive Design

Vision care mission and vision sections on a website.
Circles focusing on a persons eye to collect data to us in an eye care artificial intelligence company.
Branded colors for an eye health care ai technology company.
Roboto font in slab light
Roboto font in light
Roboto font in regular.
Roboto font in bold.


To create variety within the typeface selection, while remaining cohesive, ArtVersion’s graphic design team utilized both Roboto Slab and Roboto in varying styles. The website’s core purpose was to be informative, therefore, the simplicity of Roboto’s typeface style encouraged readability—across resolutions—without interrupting the website’s overall style.  

The Outcome

The launch of ImagingAI’s new web design solidified its position in the rapidly expanding AI medical sector.

 The website effectively communicated the complete narrative and extensive service offerings of their software. It offered eye doctors a clear understanding of how AI technology can enhance diagnostics, improve patient interactions, and streamline clinic operations, marking ImagingAI as an essential partner for advancing modern eye care.