A website of a real estate investing company displayed on a tablet screen.

Web design and user experience development for a renowned real estate investment firm.

Project Disciplines

Brand Strategy
Graphic Design
Web Design
UI/UX Design
Two mobile devices showcasing on screen a real estate investing company.

Web Design

Magnolia Capital needed a website presence that would encapsulate the company’s mission and services. Previously attaining a static site, they came to ArtVersion with the task of building a dynamic website from the ground up that would showcase their authoritative positioning in the industry authentically. The goal at the centerfold was to properly represent all of their real estate properties and portfolio across diverse audiences including multi-family, single-family, and investors. This project was part of a larger initiative, as the Magnolia Capital website is one of three distinct digital buildouts ArtVersion developed for the company and its affiliated brands, each crafted with precision, expertise, and attention to detail.

Web Design

User Interface
Home header section of a real estate investing web design.
A website for a real estate investing firm showcasing elements and images.
A web design interface for a real estate investing company.
Circle number infographic callouts on a website for a real estate investing company.
A blog section of a real estate investment company.
A web page for a real estate investing company.
Responsive user interface design of a company's history timeline featured on an iPad.
A logo signage of a real estate investing company.
A web design for a real estate company displayed on a tablet screen.
A logo mark of a real estate investing company shown on a coffee mug.
Team page ui design.
Moss Screen Grid

Design and Functionality

Through iterative sessions, the team was able to develop a robust WordPress platform that was scalable and tailored to the business objectives of their company.

As a leader in real estate investment, Magnolia had a plethora of properties to showcase on the website. ArtVersion structured the website with information organization and data optimization that was backed by proper pathways for users to easily access each property. This was achieved with Real Page API integration for efficient property viewing. The backend of the website was also rich with custom coding and CSS for animations and interactive components. Additionally, the website was enhanced for search engine optimization, and SEO, to drive user engagement, and be accessible through other devices such as mobile. This cross-device accessibility was essential as it allowed users to navigate the platform and access the properties listings with ease, which also was fundamental in delivering a user experience.

Color Selections

Magnolia had set its footing in the industry and was relentlessly growing. With an established color palette already in place, brand recognizability and memorability were also solidified through the color schemes. Therefore, ArtVersion closely adhered to these established brand standards, with blue hues serving as the central color theme—navy as the primary color, complemented by a palette of accent colors. These colors were dispersed throughout the website, creating a dynamic visual appeal and strategically breaking up the monochromatic blue scheme where possible. The use of color also ensured creativity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Color palette selections for a real estate investment company.
Proxima Nova in thin font weight.
Proxima Nova
Proxima Nova font in semibold weight.
Proxima Nova
An upper and lower case "A" is featured in Proxima Nova typeface.
Proxima Nova


Proxima Nova, as the typography for the website offered a modern aesthetic. With clean, sans-serif lines and a wide range of weights and styles, the font added modern simplicity that is highly sought after in contemporary design. Its versatility provided readability and a sleek appearance across various devices and screen sizes. The typeface's understated elegance was also key in the selection as it conveyed information in a straightforward yet stylish manner.

Unified Experience Across Platforms

With the new website in place and a new, modern design language to go along with it, ArtVersion undertook the task of refreshing Magnolia Capital's marketing materials and collateral.

The team optimized the logos to be seamlessly translated across print and digital presentations such as business cards, socials, and stationery. Promoting a consistent brand identity is essential for brand activation and builds trust among users. With users able to recognize a brand language that was consistent with every initiative, Magnolia was able to further its mission across communications.

The Outcome

Magnolia Capital, with a newly established website and optimized design system, was able to lead with authority and professionalism in their industry. The website was successful as it allowed interested property buyers to have a structured and seamless platform to engage with. Each property listing was organized and categorized contextually. The overall website presence offered a contemporary and future-proof digital experience.