Mimo Monitors
Customizable Touch Screen Solutions
Mimo Monitors specializes in creating innovative touch screen monitors with the flexibility to suit various needs.
Mimo understands that every user's needs are different, and they are willing to work with their audience to create something that fits their exact needs if they don’t already have a product that does. ArtVersion was excited to collaborate with Mimo to create Unify, intuitive software for their monitors by elevating the UI aspect of the software. The core goal was to ensure that the UI was easy to navigate, and was designed with a user-centric perspective in mind.
Intuitive Design
After reviewing the core needs that Mimo was seeking, ArtVersion reviewed the wireframe designs and made edits to ensure the software could be used with ease.
The software was designed to work with any video conferencing software to allow for a single streamlined process. With a user-focused design process and context-of-use framework, ArtVersion designed the UI to be intuitive and easy to navigate. This included removing any possibilities for user confusion or overload and instead integrating accessible icons visible throughout the meeting and a single place for all calls. ArtVersion conducted data and analytical research to better gauge the users and uncover every pathway and trajectory of the user. This helped enhance and pinpoint different layers of accessibility and usability.
Color Palette
Aligning with Mimo Minitor's established brand legacy, ArtVersion utilized the color palette from the brand's guidelines. This was purposeful to strengthen brand memorability but also solidify their authority. ArtVersion carefully selected the established colors and incorporated them throughout to adhere to their standards, but offer dynamic use of hues.
ArtVersion selected Roboto typography for the typeface. The screen readability needed to be clear and accessible, therefore Roboto added that layer to the design. It was also sleek and modern enough to add visual interest, without deterring from the accessibility and usability aspect of the project.
Unique and Universal Iconography
ArtVersion was able to flex their creative muscles further through the creation of custom icons for Mimo. The visual designs leaned into a thicker line design that helped with visibility which was essential in the goal of creating an interface that was easy to use, by allowing users to find the correct button as quickly as possible. The selection and symbolism behind each icon was universal, therefore users would understand the context behind each icon, further prompting a seamless and intuitive design.
ArtVersion went beyond the UI designs and created custom merchandise for Mimo. The branding and marketing aspect of the project helped further establish their legacy in their industry but also created memorability among their audience. The ArtVersion team optimized each design to be translated across materials with high-resolution designs, and visually interesting elements.
The Result
ArtVersion’s user-focused design for this software allowed Mimo to stand out above all competitors with a streamlined process for video calls. The software was usable and accessible for all users who were able to navigate its UI and features. The overall design offered a robust user experience, and elevated Mimo Monitors to a new benchmark of success.