A mobile phone laying against a slab of rock displaying a home page for a law firm website.

Project Disciplines

Graphic Design
UX/UI Design
Web Design
A tablet view of a law firm home page featuring an image of a city.

Web Design

For Obeid Law, a distinguished legal firm seeking to strengthen its online presence, ArtVersion was tasked with redesigning their website on the WordPress platform.

The goal was to create a site that not only reflected the firm’s professionalism and expertise but also enhanced user engagement and usability. The redesign focused on embodying the firm’s values and legal prowess through a sophisticated, clean aesthetic.

A key aspect of the UI/UX design was simplifying the navigation to allow clients and prospects to find the information they needed quickly and efficiently. Services were clearly categorized, and services were showcased to demonstrate the firm’s expertise. Responsive design principles were rigorously applied, ensuring that the website delivered a seamless experience across all devices, recognizing the increasing trend of mobile usage among clients.

A tablet screen displaying a team page for a law firm.

Vibrant Interface and Aesthetics

Interactive elements, such as a consultation booking system and a live chat feature, were integrated to facilitate direct communication between potential clients and the firm, thereby enhancing the user journey and increasing conversion opportunities. Behind the scenes, SEO best practices were implemented to improve the site's visibility and attract a wider audience.

Through this comprehensive WordPress redesign, ArtVersion provided Obeid Law with a powerful tool to showcase its legal services, reinforce its brand identity, and engage effectively with its clientele, setting a solid foundation for the firm’s continued growth and success in the competitive legal landscape.
A web design for a law firm website featuring an image of a building and different practice areas.
A desktop web design for a testimonial section with an image of books on a shelf.
A desktop UI design of a company values page with a circle of different values color coded.
A recent news section for a law firm website.
A desktop web design featuring a background image of blurry people walking around in an office and a company logo overlaying the image with text on top of it.
A desktop web design for a law firm website featuring three different images of buildings and cities.
A smartphone on the ground resting against a railing displaying a law firm website with an image of a building.
A large logo on a glass office room door.

Color Palette

ArtVersion chose a color scheme that conveyed trust and reliability, incorporating deep blues and crisp whites to establish a sense of authority and calm.

The letter "A" in Open Sans Regular font.
Open Sans
The letter "A" in Open Sans Bold font.
Open Sans
The letter "A" in Open Sans extra bold font.
Open Sans
Extra Bold
The letter "A" in Playfair Display Regular font.
Playfair Display
The letter "A" in Playfair Display Bold font.
Playfair Display


Typography was carefully selected to balance modernity with readability, ensuring that content was not only engaging but also easily digestible for users seeking legal assistance.

A glass sign with a law firm logo.


In a strategic move to visually contextualize the newly refreshed brand elements, ArtVersion embarked on a collateral design exercise for Obeid Law.

This initiative aimed to extend the law firm’s revamped identity beyond the digital realm, ensuring consistency and recognition across all client touchpoints.

Expending Markets

By aligning these materials with the firm’s refreshed online presence, ArtVersion facilitated a seamless brand experience that resonates with clients and distinguishes Obeid Law in the competitive legal market. The brand refresh and web development exercise underscores the importance of a holistic strategy, showcasing how thoughtful design can enhance user perception and strengthen client relationships.
A law firm stamp on a piece of paper.