Pacific Neuroscience

A metallic sign of a brain logo for a neurology company.

Project Disciplines

Brand Strategy
Graphic Design
Web Design

Web design for neurological medical institution. 

A person using a laptop, looking at a view of a neurology website design.

Purposeful Design 

ArtVersion designed and developed a website focused on creating an engaging and industry-driven experience.

The Pacific Neuroscience Medical Group is composed of highly specialized medical professionals with vast experience across the spectrum of neurological and cranial disorders. The medical group collaborated with ArtVersion to refresh their brand and website for an approachable look and feel and intentional user journeys.

A man in a lab coat looking at the results of a brain scan on a computer.

Web Design Strategy 

To ensure that the website refresh achieved an intuitive and functional experience, ArtVersion designed and developed a web design strategy that delved into design language and backend usability.

The design language adhered to the medical group’s established look and feel but was further enriched with a modern and contemporary design. This was also achieved through custom iconography, microinteractions, and a seamless visual hierarchy that encapsulated their services, expertise, and more.

On the backend of the website, ArtVersion’s development team structured and mapped the site with pathways and funnels that led to their needed service, access to registration forms and resources, or to connect with their specialists. Additionally, the team implemented meta-data best practices to help achieve visibility with SEO strengthening and analytic optimization.

Two mobile screen UX designs for a neurology website.
Multiple mobile screen designs for a neurology website.
A three-dimensional view of icon design for a neurology organization.
The dock screen of an iphone, showcasing the design for three application icons.

Interactive Microinteractions

Subtle motion and movement were added purposefully throughout the website to help propel greater engagement and a modern feel.

Although the website leaned into a professional look and feel, ArtVersion introduced subtle movement and animations to add a new depth to the interface design. The incorporation of the movement helped add a new level of visual engagement, while the iconography helped users digest information with visual breaks. The icons were also designed with universality in mind for recognizability among users. The intended interactions were placed on individual pages that had patient resources and complex information to assist the user in processing the data.

A man in a medical office looking at the home page of a neurology website.

Color Selections

ArtVersion chose lively colors to tell the visual color story for the website to emulate positive aesthetics and energy. Bright colors such as blues, greens, and yellows evoke feelings of calmness, safety, and optimism, which are particularly important in a healthcare setting focused on mental and neurological well-being. This created a welcoming and soothing atmosphere while showcasing that the clinic focuses on being accessible and supportive to visitors—aligning with the clinic's mission to foster mental health and resilience.

Lime Green
The letter A in a thin font on top of the silhouette of a brain logo.
Open Sans
The letter A in a regular font on top of the silhouette of a brain logo.
Open Sans
The letter A in a bold font on top of the silhouette of a brain logo.
Open Sans
The letter A in a very bold font on top of the silhouette of a brain logo.
Open Sans


Open Sans offered a perfect balance of versatility, readability, and modern aesthetics. Open Sans is especially valuable for its wide range of weights and styles, which offer designers considerable flexibility in creating visual hierarchy and contrast. The website offered easy readability which was essential in allowing users to find their needed services.  

A laptop screen showcasing the UX homepage design for a neurology brand.

The Outcome

The website’s success established a strong web identity for the Pacific Neuroscience Medical Group, enhancing the visibility of their services and enabling them to continue assisting individuals with neurological and cranial treatments. The site’s professional and modern design created the welcoming tone that the team desired. Additionally, the robust backend infrastructure supported the group’s goals for user engagement and a future-proof digital experience.

ID badge design for healthcare medical group.