Wescom Credit Union

A logo on the side of a building.

Project Disciplines

Graphic Design
Marketing Collateral
UX/UI Design
Web Design
A homepage design for a banking website on a laptop.

Creating a Unified User Experience

Wescom, one of the nation’s largest credit unions, was seeking creative experts to design their website and a mobile banking app.

The project was a multi-part initiative that included UI/UX design of their mobile banking app, and online banking dashboard. For web design, ArtVersion also curated Wescom’s marketing site and financial website. Each design showcased Wescom’s authority in the industry with a modernized digital presence. This included restructuring user journeys and pathways for ease of use, elevating their design language, and more. 

The design took into consideration ways to streamline banking operations, offering Wescom customers an efficient and straightforward way to access their crucial banking information within the UI. The website was also developed to highlight Wescom’s services with a robust backend framework, and security measures for user portals. By designing the mobile app interface concurrently with the website initiatives, ArtVersion enhanced Wescom’s digital presence, ensuring the company remained at the forefront of digital banking innovation.

A laptop screen mockup with a background watermark and an image of a person smiling.

Wescom Marketing Website Design

With all the critical information that arises within the banking and credit union industry, a simplified and professional approach to the Wescom website was a cornerstone of the design process.

ArtVersion conducted data-driven research with competitor analysis, website audits, and user research to best gauge the structure and aesthetic of the marketing website. The purpose of this website was to capture Wescom’s services and ethos while allowing users to open an account, and learn more about the benefits of banking with Wescom, and other banking initiatives. The website was curated carefully with a visual hierarchy that allowed users to find information regarding banking and financing solutions with ease, as well as log in to their user portals as seamlessly as possible. To achieve this, the UI of the website included a minimalistic design language that evoked professionalism and sophistication throughout.

Mobile Banking App Design

Along with the website reconceptualization, ArtVersion designed Wescom’s mobile banking app. The app design mirrored the UI language of the website. The team created user pathways reflecting the user’s overall interaction with the app. Careful user testing went into the app’s design to ensure that users were able to get from point A to point B as easily as possible. Apps offer a more straightforward approach to an experience, and ArtVersion ensured that this was achieved properly within the UI for the Wescom development team to implement with ease.

A mobile phone on a rock slab with a screen design of a touch ID message and an image of a beach.
Multiple different mobile devices showcasing a banking app.
A phone resting on a slab of rock with an image of a person looking at a phone and a laptop.

Online Banking Dashboard

The mobile application user experience for Wescom was extended and optimized for desktop users, providing a seamless transition for those who favor a desktop environment. The online banking dashboard, a central component of this optimization, offered users complete access to their banking information, including account details, transaction history, and more, directly from their desktops. Each segment of the dashboard was designed structurally and contextually with the information needed for each page.

Dashboard design for online banking.
Dashboard design for online banking.

Wescom Financial Web Design

Beyond the website and app design, Wescom also entrusted the ArtVersion team to unify their main website with their financial services site which would reflect a cohesive branding experience. The design team established a design strategy for the subsidiary website, adopting the core design principles of the main site but tailoring features and services to distinguish it, ensuring both continuity and context-specific innovation.

Throughout the process of both site designs, ArtVersion collaborated with Wescom frequently to ensure that the design environment and visuals would be seamlessly developed on Wescom’s end for implementation—elevating accessibility and usability from the start.

A desktop web design of a financial website home page.
A desktop web design featuring an image of umbrellas and an image of people working together.
A UI page for a financial website featuring information about retirement.
A desktop web design for a financial website with FAQ.
A desktop web design for a contact page.

Color Palette

Wescom is a recognizable and renowned credit union, and ArtVersion wanted to preserve this legacy and therefore utilized its established brand colors. However, the team ensured that the new renditions of the colors were ADA-compliant, as well as introduced deeper hues of their established design language for added depth and dynamism.  The blue and grey colors evoked a sense of professionalism and authority, which encapsulated Wescom as a company.

Midnight Blue
Hazy Skies
Soft Grey
The letter "A" in work sans regular font.
Work Sans
The letter "A" in work sans medium font.
Work Sans
The letter "A" in work sans semi bold font.
Work Sans
Semi Bold
The letter "A" in work sans bold font.
Work Sans


Work Sans was the selected Google font for Wescom’s website due to its modern, yet welcoming design which conveyed a sense of reliability and professionalism that the team was striving for. The clean and legible style of Work Sans enhanced readability across various devices and screen sizes, which was particularly essential for the credit union company, as it often dealt with complex financial information that needed to be communicated clearly and effectively. Additionally, Work Sans supports a wide range of weights and styles, offering flexibility in creating a hierarchical and organized presentation of content. 

A poster stand with an image of a silhouette of three people with a sunset.

Marketing Collateral

In addition to the websites and UI/UX initiatives, other areas of brand representation needed to be optimized for a cohesive company identity.

To ensure full company consistency and brand enablement, ArtVersion designed different marketing items such as collateral design, swag items, and more for internal and external use. The new designs reflected the refreshed language found throughout the website and the app UI design.

A blue business card for a bank with a logo on it.
A white and blue bag with a company logo on it.
A pen with a company logo on it.
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The Outcome

Both the website and app design allowed for an elevated digital experience for Wescom. These efforts helped propel engagement and trust among their clients and audiences. As a leading credit union in the nation, Wescom had a website and mobile app that reflected its authority and leadership in the industry.