A welcome screen web design for a mental health company.

Project Disciplines

Brand Design
Web Design and Development
App Interface Design

Bettering Mental Health with AI

Mental wellness is an important part of one’s health, and ZenTech Coping, a mental health and wellness company created a platform that provides accessible support. Looking for a creative agency to design and develop their promotional marketing website, along with the UI of their up-and-coming app, their team came to ArtVersion to take on the challenge. ZenTech helps its users through an auditory therapy app, incorporating guided meditation, ZenTech utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to create personalized mental health solutions for each user.

Website Design and Development

New to the scene, ZenTech needed to primarily establish its positioning in the industry and introduce its solutions to its potential audience.

ArtVersion was entrusted with designing and developing ZenTech’s promotional website, focusing on a user interface that incorporated large, serene nature imagery with optimized, intuitive videos. The trajectory of a minimalist and simplified design approach allowed the visual content to dominate, creating a calming user experience—a deliberate choice to engage users without overwhelming them with choice, pivotal for a brand advocating for mental calmness. The website functioned as a marketing website geared at introducing its story and encouraging sign-ups for each user, along with a desktop interface that allowed users to access the meditation media library.

A sign in screen web design for a mental health AI company.
A desktop music player UI screen web design.

Desktop interface of mediation media library.

Questionnaire screen web design.

User Journeys and Pathways

To inform the design, ArtVersion contextualized pathways for a robust user experience.

ArtVersion also crafted pathways for a tailored questionnaire designed to identify each user’s specific mental health needs, such as stress management or sleep improvement. Each question was posed to uncover what mental health solution would best fit their needs. ArtVersion incorporated microinteractions throughout to spark user engagement and propel the user down the pathway to get to their result.

To further establish user engagement and conversion, the end of the questionnaire led the user to download the ZenTech app, which was the primary way that users could access the features they needed.  In addition to optimizing user flow and navigation, every page and element was enriched with SEO to boost visibility, drive growth, and enhance conversion rates.

A mobile UI screen with "Guided Meditation" tiles floating from the device.

ZenTech Coping has a litany of soundscapes for users. ArtVersion designed the app interface interactive library for a variety of sounds—meditation, music, nature sounds, and more.

Two mobile UI screen featuring an audio player for calming music.
An individual blog page and blog landing page mobile web design.

App Interface Design

With ZenTech’s marketing website in place, ArtVersion moved to phase two of the project—designing the UI for their app interface.

The UI was optimized for both tablet and mobile, mimicking the design language found on the ZenTech website. The team included two UI modes—light and dark to create resolutions for users trying to relax without interruption when accessing the media library. Additionally, it was imperative for the navigation to also attain a level of simplicity within its navigation and overall aesthetic.

Therefore, ArtVersion utilized thinner strokes for graphic elements and typography to create a sense of lightness and streamline the overall navigation for users to access what they needed quickly. For users who used the app for the first time, ArtVersion designed the questionnaire found on the ZenTech website for responsive devices as well as to truly customize their results with ZenTech’s AI technology. Specific pathways and user flows were also fully designed for the screen design of each audio, mood, and more to create a fully cohesive user journey.

Enhancing Sleep Quality UI screen with floating elements.
A UI screen featuring an audio player playlist for a tranquil sleep.
A success screen from an AI mental health questionnaire.

Responsive design of personalized results post-questionnaire. Through AI ZenTech provides users a playlist best suited for their wellness.

Color Selections

Creating an overarching continuity of a design, the tone was further carried out with a color story that played off of colors found in nature. The theme of ZenTech was a coalescence between nature and technology, placing further emphasis on the nature aspect. Consequently, the colors were earthy colors found within nature, and incorporated throughout the website. 

Comfortaa bold a characters.
Comfortaa medium a characters.


Comfortaa was the selected font choice for both the web design and app interface. Apart from the “comfort” found within the name itself, Comforta was a top selection because of its friendly, approachable feel. Its roundness emulated comfort and simplicity, without sacrificing modernity. The typeface helped tie in ZenTech’s overall look and feel.

The Outcome

The collaboration between ArtVersion and ZenTech Coping led to a digital web experience that helped propel their brand story forward.

With the developing climate of AI technology and industries leveraging its innovation, the promotional website helped ZenTech stand out with a fully robust UI/UX experience. The app interface provided the ZenTech development team with a design system that was optimized effectively, streamlining their design process, and encouraging quicker launch to market. The interactivity of the app and its modern design helped their audience base find a new way to strengthen their mental well-being for the better.