Content Marketing for Small Businesses

Person creating typography and font typefaces.

Content Marketing for Small Businesses

Site Creator just released the findings of their first annual Small Business Usage Study. The results confirm that all small businesses should update their website, incorporate a blog, and integrate social media into their marketing strategies.

Here a few of the key findings:

• 54% of small businesses update their websites less than once a month

• As few as five updates a month will increase website traffic by up to 300%

• Integrating Facebook in the website results in 400% more traffic than using paid search

• Adding Twitter, in addition to Facebook, contributes merely an additional 6%

With information such as this, it becomes impossible to ignore how important content marketing is to any small business.

If you’re skiddish about committing to daily blog posts or even weekly blog posts, start small.

A monthly newsletter is a great idea for any business. It keeps you in touch with existing clients as well as potential clients who have shown an interest in your business.  Monthly is often enough that people won’t forget about you, but not so often clients decide to unsubscribe because you are clogging their email boxes.

When you write those newsletters, consider posting them to your website as well. That way you’re getting more bang for your buck. You’ve written one newsletter but are distributing it to two places. This is great for SEO and business.

Do you do any content marketing now? Are you going to start after reading the evidence above?