Why Your Company Needs a Blog

When we sit down with clients to first talk about the direction their website design is going, we always suggest adding a blog to the layout.  Initially we hear resistance.  Comments such as: I don’t know what to write about, I’m not a good writer, I don’t think that’s really necessary for my company etc.  We’re here today to tell you that every company should have a blog.  There are so many benefits to attaching a company blog to a website.

  • Keeping in touch with customers
  • Better SEO
  • Building your brand
  • Increased traffic to your website

This is only the beginning of what blogging can bring to your company.  Blogging is the number one way to increase traffic to your company website.  The more content you have on your site, the more content there is for Google and other search engines to index.

Additionally, blogging helps your business create an online presence, taking you into the future rather than leaving your company in the past.  Being able to connect with your customers through social media is becoming essential.  Through the blog you can post news about your company, services, or products.  Don’t think about blogging as something you do so the world knows how you felt about the latest Ben Affleck movie.  Think of it as a true business tool, a way to promote, market, and improve customer service.

When writing the blog, by keeping in mind keywords, you can leverage your site to a higher search engine rating, all while catering to your customers.  In our minds, it’s a win-win situation.

We’re not pretending it’s going to be easy.  It does take time and planning, but other than that, it’s basically free, and the value it will provide both your business and your customers will be immeasurable.