It’s easy to get immersed in the digital aspect of a brand experience with measurable ROI and supporting interactive elements, but creating a total brand experience goes far beyond virtual. Successful brand strategy and campaign development encompass touchpoints that expand to all aspects of a user’s relationship with a company or brand. From the first point of contact to conversion all the way to customer retention strategies – brands must leverage all platforms possible to guide the experience to sustain a lasting relationship.
Since attending PRINT 17 earlier this month, the ArtVersion team has been reflecting on the strength of graphic communications when paired with great design. Discussing industry-ranging innovation, education, and methodologies – the team was given an up-close look at the latest technologies and trends for pathway implementation. With the power to forge connections and change the face of business, marketers, and designers must utilize these tools to strategize and deliver cross-functional campaigns that inform and give control over actionable marketing messages – guiding opinions about the brand, their products, and services.
In order to reach all customer segments, companies who reach out across platform – print, digital and beyond will successfully touch relevant users and grow their base. With a brand appealing to various market segments for different reasons – whether it be a multi-brand strategy or secondary label, relevant customers need to be reached in different ways. For some, it’s a completely digital reach but for others, it’s through channels such as direct mail or print ads.
Taking the approach of a fully integrated marketing program gives way to a top-down strategy, as opposed to focusing only on engagement points that can be beneficial at times but may not have staying power. A complete strategy is more about honoring the brand with the most authentic messaging across the board and tailoring those messages to the audience they will appeal to.
Newly launching companies and existing brands alike can benefit from all-inclusive communication and marketing strategies. Even with the presence of an active digital engagement strategy, taking steps to put a more comprehensive strategy in place will ensure an optimized brand experience and consistent conversions.