
Abstract design of pixels breaking.

Understanding the Chrome User Experience Report

The Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) is a vital tool for web developers and site owners looking to enhance their websites’ performance and user experience. Provided by Google,...

A user browsing website.

Types and Purposes of Site Navigation

Effective site navigation is the backbone of any successful website. It serves as the primary means for users to explore content, find information, and engage with a brand....

Developer workin g on the code.

Understanding Screen Readers

Screen readers and accessible devices serve as the primary interfaces for visually impaired users, enabling them to navigate the online world with ease and independence. These tools transform...

Designer drawing on the tablet in front of the color selection shown on teh screen in the background.

Color in Web Design

When color is applied to a site with the user in mind, it can impact user experience, create mood, influence purchasing decisions and evoke emotions. Color perception is...

A group of designers collaborting on the meeting.

Branding is More Than Strategy

We all find ourselves sitting in long corporate meetings and sessions about our brands and talks about what to improve. But having a robust branding strategy is just...

Two mobile screens showcasing the user interface design for a travel preferences quiz.

Visual Balance for Web Design

Balanced visual elements on a website undoubtedly look better. A site that uses structured elements is easier to navigate and comprehend. Considering the 15-second rule—the concept that you...

Understanding UX Design Services

The importance of UX in web design has been growing steadily since the early 2000s. However, it gained significant momentum around 2010, when the rise of mobile internet...

Tailoring WordPress Solutions for Every Business

WordPress, with its versatility and scalability, has emerged as a leading open-source CMS platform for creating dynamic websites that meet diverse business needs. Whether you’re a small business...

Design Thinking in Web Design

Design thinking — a methodology that emphasizes empathy, experimentation, and iteration— offers a robust framework for achieving digital transformations. By integrating the principles of design thinking into web...

Team heading section page shown on a laptop screen.

Metrics and KPIs in Web Design

When designing a website, it’s essential to understand the metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that will measure its success. These metrics provide valuable insights into user behavior,...