28 – 9 Way to create an effective Google Adwords Campaigns


Welcome back brand builders. This week on the Rediscover Your Brand™ podcast we are talking with you about 9 ways to create an effective google adwords campaign.

This week at the ArtVersion offices we have been setting up several google adword campaigns for our clients. As a full interactive agency, we offer many services and one of them is setting up and maintaining our clients adword campaigns.

When done correctly google adword campaigns can be one of the best ways to spend your marketing dollars giving you great ROI and flexibility with your investment.

On this podcast, we will going into detail on these 9 best practices that create effective google adwords campaigns.

  1. Be Specific:
  2. Don’t forget your keywords
  3. Highlight your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)
  4. Include A Call to Action
  5. Stand Out from your Competitors
  6. Get Right To the Point
  7. Ad Formatting is Vital
  8. Your Display URL is a part of your Ad Copy
  9. Test…Test & more Tests

ArtVersion Interactive Agency: Bonus Tip

**Correlation between Your ad copy and your Landing Page**

Contact us if you need help setting up your google adword campaigns.

Kip Russell

