Art Is Everywhere

Multiple mobile screens for an art foundation website UX design.

Art Is Everywhere is a testament to the late artist, visionary, and educator, Candice B. Groot. ArtVersion designed and developed a UI/UX experience that captivated her personal art collection.

Web Development

Her collection, comprising over 600 pieces from 300 distinguished artists, was captured in an intuitive web experience.

To achieve this, ArtVersion designed an innovative framework that could support the extensive array of rich visuals and present them in an engaging, immersive manner. The organization of the gallery was thoughtfully executed, allowing users to explore the collection either by individual artists or collectively, enhancing the user experience with intuitive navigation, pathways, and categorization.

Understanding Candice's dual role as a collector and an educator, ArtVersion enriched the website with a narrative dimension. ArtVersion’s content strategy team crafted a 6-part story that served both as a tribute to her enduring legacy and a comprehensive biography, shedding light on her impact. This narrative approach provided a deeper context to the collection, connecting viewers with Candice's passion for art and her significant influence on her students and fellow artists. 

A home page web design with an automatic slider and background images of sculptures.
Website navigation for an art foundation.
A UI design featuring a carousel of images and a text.
A UI design with an image of a person with dogs and a paragraph of text.
A 3-dimensional art sculpture of a person with a hat.
A web page featuring an artist's work from an art collection.
Two pieces of 3-dimensional art and their descriptions.

Responsive Design

A mobile loading screen design for a website.
A mobile web design with a graphic of a red circle and text.
A mobile screen design displaying a slider of different featured artists.
A header design for a website with an image of a sculpture and a quote.
A mobile design for a website with an image of a sculpture and a header.
A mobile web page section with a list of different categories.
A sculpture of a large blue head on a black background.

Color Palette

ArtVersion curated an art gallery-inspired color palette for the website that aligned with the Virginia A. Groot brand. The selection of deeper, moodier tones brought out an introspective ambiance of a gallery to the site, while lighter accents balanced an inviting look and feel. This careful color curation enhanced the virtual gallery experience while also adding pops of color in graphic design elements and microinteractions.

Light Terracotta
Clay Grey
Canvas Cotton
Cinzel font in regular.
Inter font in regular.


To add a sophisticated look to the website’s headers that aligned with the overall aesthetic, Cinzel was selected as the title typography choice. The font’s serifs added a touch of elegance to the headers without distracting from its messaging. In contrast, Inter was chosen for its clarity and easy scalability throughout the body text, ensuring readability across various digital platforms.

Logo Design

ArtVersion custom-designed the logo with a visual hierarchy through the use of varying font sizes and the strategic use of spacing. The typography choice evoked a contemporary feel, and although void of any graphic elements, the layout contoured a visually balanced look. The logo design also played homage to the Virginia A. Groot Foundation logo styling as well, to showcase that Art Is Everywhere is a website presented by the same organization.

On Location Photo Sessions

The Virginia A. Groot Foundation aimed to develop a website that showcased the expansive personal art collection of their late founder.

Candice's collection, vast in scope, covered over two decades and was distributed throughout every corner of three residences, aptly leading to the website's title, "Art Is Everywhere." While the initial research and conceptual phase had been thoroughly established, the project moved forward by focusing on visual content creation and conducting on-site photography sessions.

The team photographed the available art pieces, to craft a compelling visual narrative. The chosen aesthetic for the photography leaned towards a moody and darker aesthetic, highlighting the intricate details of each piece within the collection. The photography style brought out the unique characteristics of the art and aligned seamlessly with the overall aesthetic and ambiance of the website.

Social Media Campaign

To enhance the visibility of the website, ArtVersion initiated a strategic social media campaign that mirrored it's aesthetic.

Utilizing the evocative photography featured on the website, the campaign incorporated these visual elements alongside succinct messaging aimed at piquing the curiosity of users. Each post and piece of content was carefully crafted to embody the nuances and mysteries of the website.

This encouraged engagement by offering a glimpse into the unique and immersive experience awaiting visitors on the website. Through this campaign, ArtVersion aimed to draw users into Candice's world, compelling them to delve deeper into the collection and discover the stories behind each piece of art.

I think the work the team has done for a website is phenomenal. Well beyond our expectations. Your sensitivity to the legacy we wanted to document and also the emotions of the endeavor are greatly appreciated. So thank you, thank you, thank you.
Virginia B. Groot Foundation Program Director
3-D art objects are displayed on a wall.

The Result

Art Is Everywhere encapsulates Candice’s life and artistry for educational endeavors, as a tribute to those touched by her existence, and for any observer with a deep appreciation for art. 

The website is also a biographical peek into Candice's life—from her beginnings, surrounded by a family of creatives and her impactful career as an educator, to her personal passions and rebellious spirit that challenged the conventional. The website is an invitation to delve into Candice's world and explore her collection preserved online for future generations.

The website won an honorable mention in the design award program for its overall user experience and design.