Ad Age: Amp Spotlight Earth Day Edition: How to Save the World

Ad Age’s Amp members share the environmentally minded initiatives they’re working on in 2020

So far, 2020 has been a case study in global connectedness. The impact our individual behaviors can have on people, communities and economies are clearer than ever. The coronavirus outbreak has thrown into stark relief a need for swift action to protect our planet while we still can.

Critics have argued that the pandemic has been far more effective at reducing carbon emissions than government policies. But there are more than a few individuals – and agencies – out there doing their part to secure a brighter future. With Earth Day on the horizon, Ad Age Studio 30 talked to Amp members whose participation includes the sustainability-minded campaigns and agency initiatives they’re working on in 2020.

Ad Age's Amp members share the environmentally minded initiatives they're working on in 2020

“2020’s arrival has renewed ArtVersion’s emphasis on reducing, and eventually eliminating, total emissions produced by our organization. We have a goal of contributing to zero carbon emissions over the next decade, with efforts being complemented by recent practices that have been established to steer away from deliverables that are distributed in hard-copy format rather than electronically,” says John Forsyth, Brand Strategist at ArtVersion.

“In addition to embracing direct deposits and abandoning traditional paper paychecks for employees, we’ve adopted an electronic system for ACH payments in our accounts receivables when clients are billed. This not only enables a more seamless transaction process in client relationships, but also cuts back on unnecessary waste output that could end up being harmful to the environment.”

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