ArtVersion Shares Their Insight on Successful Responsive Design with Fast Company

It should come as no surprise that over 50% of online traffic comes from mobile devices. Browsing online via mobile is quick, convenient, and readily available, yet to truly engage users with responsive designs, it should be as easy to navigate as it would be on a desktop. In turn, when brands prioritize a seamless online experience, no matter the interface used, it can boost the overall brand experience and even help align advertising for traffic conversions.

In this month’s Fast Company Executive Board, eight industry leaders shared their top tips for boosting conversions, particularly for mobile users. From following mobile design trends, and ensuring responsive orientation, to A/B testing and more, the best practices proposed were insightful.

ArtVersion’s Principal and Creative Director, Goran Paun, shared his take on a key focal point: streamlining copy to be short and impactful. In our modern day, brevity in copy is crucial to ensure you don’t lose your users’ attention, but you also want to make it impactful enough to appeal to their emotions. Succinct content that is fused with purpose and clarity are the target points that help ensure a successful mobile experience.

Creative Digital Design Agency, ArtVersion

“More concise copy is more likely to be read, and an impactful advertisement that features carefully tailored graphics is more likely to be noticed. Finally, keep it relevant to the audience by choosing targeting and networks that are used by the people that may be interested in your product or service.”

Goran Paun, Principal & Creative Director at ArtVersion

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About ArtVersion

ArtVersion is an award-winning design consultancy from Chicago with clients around the world. Serving brands since 1999, the ArtVersion team consists of visual designers, branding strategists, and developers. Most known for pioneering user experience design as a discipline, ArtVersion has been a trusted partner for a number of Fortune 500 companies, non-profit organizations, and notable startups.