ArtVersion Featured on Forbes Expert Panel: Best Ways to Acquire Graphic Design Talent 

Every company and organization wants to stand out with marketing strategies that go far beyond the expected. With competition growing every day, marketing campaigns and overall memorable design need to keep moving at a pace that matches shifting factors. To achieve this, many organizations, brands, and companies have sought after graphic designers to help elevate their products and services. 

For startup companies, however, hiring graphic design talent can often go against a budget friendly approach. In Forbes’ most recent expert panel, they posed the question, how can companies, notably smaller startups, acquire graphic designers when on a budget without sacrificing quality? 

As a frequent contributor to the panel, ArtVersion shared their leadership expertise on innovative ways to achieve this, with visual communications, as they create company-client connections and authenticity. 

Goran Paun
Goran Paun, Principal & Creative Director at ArtVersion

“Good design doesn’t need to be expensive. The experiential design needs to be clever, and its usually produced iteratively through contextual exercises, user testing and best practices. The original design that extends company authenticity, voice and tonality is a key to staying on brand. Visual communication is one of the easiest ways to connect to the user base and create user experiences.”

Goran Paun, Principal & Creative Director at ArtVersion

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About Forbes Agency Council

Forbes, one of the most iconic media companies in the world, and the team behind Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), a world-class entrepreneurship organization, have partnered to create a new kind of professional community — Forbes Councils. Forbes Councils is a collective of invitation-only communities created in partnership with Forbes and the expert community YEC. In Forbes Councils, exceptional business owners and leaders come together with the people and resources that can help them thrive. Read more about Forbes Councils.

About ArtVersion

ArtVersion is an award-winning design consultancy from Chicago with clients around the world. Serving brands since 1999, the ArtVersion team consists of visual designers, branding strategists and developers. Most known for pioneering user experience design as a discipline, ArtVersion has been a trusted partner for a number of Fortune 500 companies, non-profit organizations and notable startups.