ArtVersion Offers Leadership Insights with Fast Company

Collaboration, no matter what industry, is an impactful way to nourish new ideas, explore solutions, and innovate. To foster a strong and positive work environment, collaboration can bridge gaps between diverse ideas, inspire creativity, and promote mutual respect, ultimately enhancing productivity and workplace satisfaction. Collaboration allows there to be a unified sense of teamwork to bounce and improve ideas off of your team and can lead to that next great idea waiting to happen.

This month, Fast Company asked industry leaders what their thoughts are on collaboration in the workplace and how they’ve witnessed it positively impact their work environment. Goran Paun shared his insights on how collaboration can create open-mindedness and an introduction to new perspectives.


“Collaboration enables my team to approach tasks from different angles and devise innovative solutions. By actively seeking input from my team members, I am exposed to a wide range of perspectives, ideas, and insights that I may not have considered otherwise. This allows me to make more informed decisions that take into account the experiences and expertise of the entire team.”

Goran Paun, Principal & Creative Director at ArtVersion

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About Fast Company

Fast Company is a leading business media brand that focuses on technology, leadership, world changing ideas, creativity, and more. Launched in 1995, Fast Company continues to develop editorial pieces that reinvent innovation. 

About ArtVersion

ArtVersion is an award-winning design consultancy from Chicago with clients around the world. Serving brands since 1999, the ArtVersion team consists of visual designers, branding strategists and developers. Most known for pioneering user experience design as a discipline, ArtVersion has been a trusted partner for a number of Fortune 500 companies, non-profit organizations and notable startups.