ArtVersion Shares eCommerce Tech Solutions with Retail Today

Technology has gained new momentum that is revolutionizing the way consumers, users, and everyday people navigate the digital space. From AI technology that can be found in most, if not all platforms, to new growth of technology devices that challenge the conventional, and more, there are plenty of dimensions to view technology’s advancements.

Retail Today, an online portal and digital magazine that showcases emerging technology in the eCommerce industry, recently shared input from industry leaders across sectors. Their latest 2024 Q1 Executive Round Table report delved into how technology and AI are reshaping today’s shopping experiences.

Posed with a litany of prompts and topics to discuss, Retail Today asked leaders for their perspectives on the continuous changes of today’s modern tech. Goran Paun, ArtVersion’s Principal and Creative Director, was asked to share his insights on the best strategies for retail and e-commerce success.

 The topic for consideration focused on how to make eCommerce better, faster, and more efficient. Paun shared that although technology is growing, focusing on today’s established technology shouldn’t be overlooked. This includes embedding faster, and much more secure check-out processes when online shopping. With the attention economy changing daily, allowing users to have a seamless check-out process builds trust, and a much more positive experience. This includes incorporating Apple Pay or Android Pay options, for a quick, reliable pathway.

Paun states, “Streamlining the checkout process with quick, reliable payment gateway integrations to the likes of Apple Pay and Samsung Pay is crucial in today’s fast-paced digital environment. Despite its apparent importance, there is a surprisingly high percentage of enterprises and companies that do not have a seamless checkout experience on their websites and platforms.

Prioritizing quick digital checkouts is essential in the development phase of websites, especially given the competitive and fast-paced nature of the digital landscape. Enhancing customer relationships is all about adopting a user-centric mindset, with an empathetic perspective. Therefore, the efficiency and reliability of payment processes directly influence the user’s decision to complete a transaction. Subsequently, integrating advanced payment technologies from the outset is a strategic move that enhances customer satisfaction, cultivates trust, and ultimately creates strong customer relationships.”

To read the full report, read the full roundtable here: Redefining Retail: How AI is Shaping Tomorrow’s Shopping Experience