ArtVersion Tops Clutch’s 2023 Graphic Design Leader Matrix

ArtVersion Recognized as Top Graphic Design Agency

CHICAGO, July 11, 2023 – ArtVersion Company, a leading creative agency specializing in graphic design, has triumphantly taken the top position in Clutch’s 2023 Graphic Design Leader Matrix. This highly prestigious recognition is an acknowledgment of ArtVersion’s consistent delivery of superior design services and exceptional commitment to its clients.

Leader Board Matrix screenshot

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Clutch, a respected and widely recognized B2B ratings and reviews platform, included 15 top-performing firms in their comprehensive research study for 2023. Dominating the competition, ArtVersion emerged as the leading firm in this rigorous and competitive assessment.

“We are thrilled and honored to be recognized as the leading firm in Clutch’s 2023 Graphic Design Leader Matrix,” said Goran Paun, a representative of ArtVersion. “This accomplishment is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and creativity our team brings to every project. We remain committed to delivering only the best graphic design services to our clients.”

ArtVersion’s top place in the leader matrix underscores its creative prowess and customer-centric approach, further solidifying its standing as an industry leader in graphic design. This accomplishment also aligns with ArtVersion’s mission to provide innovative design solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations.

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About ArtVersion

ArtVersion is a global creative agency headquartered in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, specializing in graphic design, branding, and digital marketing. Known for its innovative and customer-focused approach, ArtVersion consistently delivers high-quality design services that help clients effectively convey their brand story.