
Design-centered thinking incorporates standards of UI/UX design and human-centric design thinking. Design-centered focuses on how to solve user and human pain points and solve them with solutions that benefit the end-user. These solutions are then put into action throughout the design.

Design-centered, also known as design-centric or design thinking, is an approach that prioritizes the importance of design in problem-solving and innovation processes. It involves placing the user’s needs, desires, and experiences at the core of the design process, focusing on empathy, collaboration, and iterative testing. By adopting a design-centered mindset, businesses and organizations can create solutions that are more effective, user-friendly, and better aligned with the target audience’s expectations, ultimately leading to increased satisfaction, engagement, and overall success.

A designer holding their tablet at a meeting.

Innovative UX Design is Incredibly Human

As technology and interfaces relentlessly advance into the future, the perception that the digital realm is overriding the world as we know isn’t hard to conclude. Many websites...