Cognitively Demanding Tasks: Influence on Workflows

Neon lights mirror.

Designing and developing a powerful user experience is more than just choosing exciting colors and creating dynamic, meaningful graphics. Additionally, user experience design focuses on the workflow of internal processes that deliver impactful results for a brand. When evaluating creative partners to collaborate with, it’s important to learn about how agencies manage their internal team practices and workflows with the client. Understanding how a company prioritizes tasks will help determine if a creative partnership will work out favorably for both parties.

Cognitive Sprints

Workflow Best Practices 

Selecting an agency to collaborate with can be daunting, as there are many factors to consider like asking the right questions, interviewing the right people, and setting proper expectations. Having specific processes in place ensures the client (and the agency) consistency and reliability. With every client bringing a unique challenge to the table, each individual project requires a different way of thinking to be successful. Specific tools like or asana better assist with internal project management tasks that improve productivity and, ultimately, strengthen workplace practices.

Long-Term Creative Sprints 

There’s a misconception in most creative processes that things must be delivered in a specific timeframe for them to be successful. This is not the case. To accomplish a flawless user experience, a phased approach works well for clients who are looking to have a long-term engagement with a creative agency. A phased approach allows for growth in the creative relationship between client and agency, while also making room for design trends that evolve.

There are several components that stand as obstacles for a brand’s successful collaboration with a creative agency, such as employee engagement, brand standards, and confusion on vetting out creative partners. By having an understanding of an organization’s workflow processes and functionality, the engagement between brand and agency is more likely to have a long-term promise that benefits both parties.