Customizing Call to Actions: How to Create an Engaging and Unique CTA

Implementing targeted and curated Call to Actions (CTA) is important to engage the user to navigate and explore the interface. Commonly, we see this for a discount in exchange for an email. A pop-up for a brand would prompt the user if you would like 10% and content would follow with “No thanks, I want to pay full price” which puts the action into perspective for the user. 

There are three main types of CTAS, which include:

  • Basic CTA — This is a call-to-action that does not change based on any attributes of the visitor. It’s the same for every visitor that sees it.
  • Multivariate CTA — These are similar to Basic CTAs, but instead, there are two or more CTAs being tested against one another. Traffic is typically split evenly to each variation and then you can select a winner based on which CTA converts better.
  • Smart CTA — These are CTAs that are tailored to an individual. There can be numerous ways CTAs like this adapt to a visitor, such as their location, browser language, whether their already a customer or a lead, and much more. –Hubspot Post

Brand Voice 

Establishing brand tonality and language is a key part of telling the brand story. Certain brands have more freedom based on their product or service than others. Traders Joe’s established a corky, wholesome and entertaining language for their project descriptions. By speaking directly to the consumer in a relatable and more relaxed tone, they are building trust and establishing transparency with the customer. 

Building Trust 

When a brand establishes content and calls to action that the user can relate to, this builds trust, and increases engagement and overall brand loyalty. Content and tonality that speaks at a user instead of speaking to them will always prove to engage and convent users over content that is formatted and templated. Fashion Nova, a clothing brand that targets Millennials and Gen Z with trendy and fast fashion, engages the user with an interactive call to action and content that forces the user to participate. 

Converting Users 

The competition for a consumer’s attention is fierce in this saturated market. A consumer has access to most brands 24/7 and the pressure to curate and innovate content and call to action that increase the bottom line, can leave brands grasping at ideas and way to engage the user. It is important to be authentic- because authenticity is what most consumers relate with.

Performing analysis and target research to understand the certain user personas to target when developing and curating content is crucial. Depending on the nature of the industry or the product or service being offered, there are different strategies to interact with the user without compromising brand values and standards.