How Does Your Site Measure Up?

Usability Testing

As if we needed another reminder that web usability has become an integral part of user experience – Google released a new service to test your site’s usability and speed on mobile and desktop.

If you’ve been putting off the inevitable – checking your website for usability has never been easier. The highly user-friendly interface provides a simple prompt to enter your URL and within seconds, a full report of what is working and what needs to be optimized on your site is delivered.

The tool is aptly named Think with Google and ‘grades’ webpages for multiple criteria including Mobile Friendliness, Mobile Speed and Desktop Speed.

This new tool is not only ideal in appealing to Google’s all-important search rankings, but in ensuring that your website is up to date with the most ideal user experience possible. Even slight changes can make all the difference in bringing in new users and gaining heightened conversions.

So go ahead – don’t be shy. Equipped with these insights once you’ve tested – determine what you can tweak on your own and what you may need to engage a design or development team to implement.