The Open User Interface

User interface design on desktop and smaller resolutions.

The user interface, on any website, is the unbounded mark your target audience has, for your organization, after viewing your website, on the internet.  Being able to control every aspect, of your website, will allow you to establish that one of a kind, award-winning, first-class user interface, which will provide a time-honored user experience that we are all hoping for.  The question we all should be asking is if your website is built on an open-source platform, so you are allowed to update and change anything on your website, as you please.

Your interface design should be one that is always contemporary in design, and presents your organization’s Brand. With closed source platforms, you will find yourself locked in to contracts that you cannot control, these contracts may limit the amount of things are able to do, with your site, and they may not allow you update and change, while technology changes and evolves. Without being able to update, your interface to allow for new advances, you find yourself falling behind in your marketing strategies, as well as the newest trends.

Open source platforms allow you to change your user interface, whenever need be. These platforms do not keep you locked into any contract, and allow you to virtually do anything you want, when you want to. Being able to control your own website, along with the code that powers all the tools within the user interface, will allow you to adventure in to place you never thought were possible. The user interface design should never be held back, from advancing, because a contract doesn’t allow you to.

As technology grows and evolves, we want to provide our target audience with the best possible user interface design, there is which also compliment to today current trends, for the best possible user experience. Open source platforms will allow for all of this and more, they are the best possible way you can future proof your organizations website.