Petra Campbell

At ArtVersion, Petra leverages her extensive background in design and branding in her role as an Art Director. Her specialty lies in the realm of creative visual communication, where she skillfully merges user experiences with aesthetic designs, underpinned by her acute understanding of surroundings and user behaviors. Petra's exceptional work garners recognition frequently, earning features in industry-related platforms such as Vega, Clutch, and Awwwards. Additionally, her work is showcased with some of our high-profile clients, including Hilton, Internet Society, ADL, and Exelon, where she serves in an Art Director capacity. Continually refining her prowess in innovative design creation, Petra blends her natural artistic talent with her strong aptitude for client communication. This blend empowers her to effectively collaborate with clients, transforming their ideas into captivating designs that resonate with their target audiences. In her role at ArtVersion, Petra's multifaceted skills and commitment to excellence are evident. Her contributions go beyond just encapsulating clients' brand narratives; they also drive the wider industry conversation, setting new standards in design and user experience.
Petra Campbell
Designer drawing on the tablet in front of the color selection shown on teh screen in the background.

Color in Web Design

When color is applied to a site with the user in mind, it can impact user experience, create mood, influence purchasing decisions and evoke emotions. Color perception is...

Two mobile screens showcasing the user interface design for a travel preferences quiz.

Visual Balance for Web Design

Balanced visual elements on a website undoubtedly look better. A site that uses structured elements is easier to navigate and comprehend. Considering the 15-second rule—the concept that you...

Tailoring WordPress Solutions for Every Business

WordPress, with its versatility and scalability, has emerged as a leading open-source CMS platform for creating dynamic websites that meet diverse business needs. Whether you’re a small business...

Team heading section page shown on a laptop screen.

Metrics and KPIs in Web Design

When designing a website, it’s essential to understand the metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that will measure its success. These metrics provide valuable insights into user behavior,...

A laptop displaying on screen of a website company foundation.

How Good is WordPress CMS for Corporate Sites?

WordPress has indeed become a cornerstone of the internet, powering a significant portion of websites worldwide. Its evolution from a simple blogging platform to a comprehensive content management...

Various color swatches on desk.

Consistent Branding and Brand Design

Crafting a Seamless User Experience Across Platforms In an increasingly digital world, consistent branding and design play a crucial role in creating a cohesive and seamless user experience....

Three team members ideate together on their laptops.

No Such Thing As The Average User

The problem with designing for the average user is that it assumes there is such a thing as an average user. In reality, users come from diverse backgrounds,...