Brand Refresh

To adapt to the rigorous and subsequent changes of immediate gratification and evolving user preferences, a brand needs to be conscious of the changes of a growing market. Organizations that have kept the same brand image for years must identify and understand the importance of rebranding. The process infuses a renewed sense of excitement to those involved, and delivers increased brand awareness and a competitive edge when done right. The decision to undergo a brand refresh should be met with a clear objective repeated to the flow of current business and demand.

An office worker working on their laptop.

Driven By Design: The Brand Refresh

We exist in a design-driven culture. More specifically, consumers are driven to engage with businesses and brands that focus attention and importance on design as the first line...

Three people ideate together at a desk on a web design.

Refreshing Your Manufacturing Website

Technology changes fast, and while most manufacturers stay on top of up to date advancements with their products, their websites can become outdated when updated only with basic...

A person designs on a large desk in a studio.

Is your brand ready (yet)?

In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing business environment, the qualities of relevance, purposefulness, innovation, consciousness, inclusivity, and self-awareness have become essential for a brand to thrive in the market. These...