How Copy Guides the User Through UX Design

Word document file displayed on screen.

UX copywriting might be more challenging than it might seem. Not only does copy need to match the voice of a brand, but it also must direct the user through the digital product in a seamless manner. Good UX copy directs the user exactly where the company wants them to go, ensuring they experience the most critical interactions on the website or app. 

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Make it Meaningful

Copy helps users make decisions about what they should do next on a website or app. For instance, if an e-commerce website just dropped a new clothing item and they wanted to promote it, the copy would reflect that. There would be copy leading people to check out the new item and copy expressing that consumers should purchase the product. The copy would also center around the theme of the new launch, often playing on words, especially for marketing purposes.

Copy also guides people to sign up for e-newsletters to learn more about the company with impactful and inviting calls-to-action and personalized content that matches the experience users are seeking.. It shows people what buttons to click to learn more about a product or service. It tells people where they can find helpful information and get their questions answered. Image a website or app that did not have any words on it. It would be extremely difficult to figure out what buttons were for what. Copy allows this to not even have to be a thought for users, creating a more seamless experience. 

person typing on computer

Brand Personality

Along with visuals including color, typography, and image choice, the words a company uses can influence the perception of the brand. Direct, bold phrases might be more common on a website for a brand that is known to be innovative and challenge norms. Calm, friendly copy might be seen on an app from a company promoting wellness. Word choice can make a huge difference in the way a company views a brand.

Not only does it influence the way the customer interacts with the brand, but it can also ensure the brand story stays consistent throughout the website or app. The visuals of a brand story must match the copy, or it could cause confusion for the consumers. Consumers enjoy consistency and a brand story will be much stronger if everything aligns. 

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Microcopy is the small copy that can sometimes go unnoticed by users on a website or an app. It appears on buttons, in error messages, in search prompts, and labels certain features. Microcopy can be found in so many other places on a digital product, but this just names a few. Microcopy answers users’ questions often before they even have a chance to ask. Uncertainty can be overwhelming for users visiting a new site, so microcopy provides just enough information that consumers are not stressed with not enough information or with too much. 

Microcopy can help build trust with users because they know that they will be able to easily navigate a site. This in turn builds brand trust and loyalty as the consumer enjoys the experience they had with the digital product. Consumers are very likely to tell others when they have a bad experience, so it is important that they feel satisfied right from the start. 

Bridging the Gap

Strong copy ensures there is a cohesive brand voice and story being told through a digital product. It ensures users enjoy the journey of learning about the product or service and makes them more likely to revisit it in the future. Similar to design, copy should be human-centric and should convey emotions that users can interpret and understand. Copy that is both clear and concise leads to happy users, converting them to lifelong consumers and encouraging them to tell their friends.