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UX - Page 2

UX stands for user experience, which is the experience that a person goes through when using a digital product. Design teams need to take into account the way that a person will travel through their digital product so they can create paths that are as smooth as possible.


UI Design

Interaction Design: Connecting The Elements

In the rapidly and constantly changing landscape of both graphic and web design, Interaction Design is a continual evolution to connect the parts to create a system that...

User Experience

Are You Experienced?

It is one thing to deliver a great product, but can you back it up with a total brand experience? Industry research leader (Gartner) predicted that by 2016, 89...

Web Usability

How Visual Design impacts Web Usability

When a conversation about web usability comes up, it’s usually about making changes to elements that relate to task based interactions. The reality is that the visual presentation...

UI Design

Branding Through Interface Design

When it comes to branding, it’s easy to go overboard with making sure that your brand has a prominent presence in all of your interactions with prospects and...

SEO Development

Building Site Architecture for Better SEO

People use the internet for everything, infusing it into brand strategy and necessary for everyday collaboration and client communication. Websites have become a crucial point for brands, providing...

Digital Storytelling

5 Platforms for Effective Digital Storytelling

Visual storytelling, when combined with the right measure of image and often sound, creates a level of connection and intrigue that no other technique can achieve. Emotion, anticipation...


UX for Ecommerce: What To Know

Ecommerce remains one of the most important fields of web service, astonishing everyone with the rapid developments in technology and integration with new marketing concepts. A truly successful...

Responsiveness Design

The Responsive Experience

In today’s digital landscape, delivering an exceptional end-user experience is vital for the success of any organization’s web presence. As the world increasingly shifts towards mobile internet usage,...