We all know that social media is the new frontier for your marketing efforts. Companies have finally got the memo and are taking their first steps into the social media world. We understand there is going to be a learning curve until your marketing team finds their recipe for social media success. The first year will be a lot of trial and error and figuring out what your audience enjoys on these platforms. The exciting thing is your on your way to
creating a strong following of engaged brand advocates and a passionate community that can effectively help spread your message around the web.
Remember when stepping out into the social media world that you consider your brand voice. You may make tactical errors and strategy errors when you first begin using each social media platform. But keeping the integrity of your brand voice authentic throughout these mediums will insure that you don’t loose valued clients.
Consider these points of your Brand Voice when using social media:
1) What is your Character/persona?
This is the home base for your brand voice. The questions your asking yourself here is who does your brand sound like? To figure this out you should think about who your clients are. If you have multiple audiences you may need to have a more flexible brand voice, or you may determine that you need multiple social media channels to reach different audiences. If you’re a sports bar, your character might be the knowledgeable bartender. Again, think of your audience and what character will best serve them
2) What is your tone?
Tone or better yet attitude of your company. Are you the wise cracking jokester or the compassionate non profit. The tone dictates the energy and mood your company is giving off through these social media outlets.
3) What is your language?
Things to consider with language are the types of words, phrases and jargon you’ll be using. You don’t want to try to hard in this area over using current slang but you should be up to date on the latest verbiage in your field.
4) What is your purpose?
The most important part of your brand voice is your purpose. Why are you here? Are you simply using social media to blast out information about your company or are you here to serve, entertain, inform your consumers about your brand. It’s important to remember social media is a two way street when your communicating. Building relationships with your consumer and using these portals to learn about your consumer and how to better service them is the correct way to use these mediums. The more people are invested in your companies day to day efforts or mission the more they will support them financially. Understand that your purpose will change as you mature in your understanding of these mediums but that your intentions and actions should be honest.
-Kip Russell