When making decisions on web design, take your favorite color out of the equation. Don’t think about your own personal feelings on design. Instead think about what color choices and design decisions will best communicate your message and will best accent your branding efforts.
Ask yourself what will appeal to your potential clients. For example, depending on the size and settings of your site visitors’ computer monitors, that could affect design decisions. A 15-inch screen is different from a huge 30-inch monitor. If you feel most of your customers will be using laptops with smaller screens, that information is important to factor in to your design choices. If you are in an industry where those searching for you may have large, high resolutions screens, that is important as well.
Additionally, the age of your potential visitors must be taken into account. Are you targeting a youthful demographic? Their web savvy will be considerably higher than if you’re targeting a more adult demographic. Therefore, site navigation should be a more prominent focus.
Putting out a survey is easy now with the help of sites such as SurveyMonkey, and Google Doc survey creation. Take the time to ask your customers what they want to see, who they are, and how you can best reach them. It will help you design with your customer in mind.