Anyone who has browsed around ArtVersion’s website knows we are a big proponent of checklists. Being able to answer a few key questions is a great way to gauge where you are at during any stage of a project.
For example, the questions we pose when working on a project are:
- Is it in keeping with your business plan, strategy and sales logic?
- Does it inform, educate, enlighten or entertain your prospect?
- Is it both well planned and well designed?
- Does it offer a solution to a prospect’s problem?
- Will it reach the right audience at the right time with minimal waste?
- Is it a partial campaign, and does it have consistency with collateral materials?
- Does it explain why your company is different than your competitors’?
- In the long run, will it bring in at least twice as much revenue as it costs?
- Is it different from your competitors’?
Knowing the answers to the hard questions will result in a finished product that is well thought out and effective.