As competition between brands grows fierce within the digital space, the focus on user experience has become more prominent than ever before.
In web design, the visual elements play an active role in supporting the user journey. Various design techniques often emerge and, along with creating more attractive interfaces, prove influential in a user’s decision-making process.
Flat design is one trend that stands out in responsive web design, focusing on improving the functionality and overall usability of an interface.
The Basics of Flat Design
At its core, flat design is all about enhancing usability and visual harmony.
Flat design has gained popularity in web design over the past few years, especially in relation to mobile and app design. Because of its focus on ease of use and overall functionality of elements, this minimalist design technique is a good solution for mobile-based interfaces.
As the name suggests, flat design employs only “flat,” two-dimensional elements throughout a visual composition. With its roots in mid-twentieth century Swiss-style, its basic features include simple shapes, bright colors, dramatic contrast, and bold clear typography.
Above all, designs in this style stray away from textures and complex details. Instead, the focus is on providing clarity and supporting quick visual perceptions.
In the context of web design, all elements in this style must surround these ideas of simplicity and functionality. Bright, solid colors give emphasis to key elements and provides visual balance. Bold, clear typography allows for improved readability and comprehension. Other features in the interface like buttons and links are clear and noticeable.
Benefits in Web Design
Going back to the basics of design, the flat style uses design as a functional tool. Any element that serves no functional purpose may be seen as distractions to the user experience. In this sense, unnecessary clutter is removed.
Flat design relies on a clear sense of visual hierarchy to create a frictionless user experience. With the simplicity of shapes, colors and fonts, it greatly increases readability and legibility. The minimalist approach to design elements promotes intuitive navigation for both web and mobile interfaces.
In addition, the simplicity of the interface makes it highly adjustable in terms of responsive web design.
While flat design may not be appropriate in the context of every website, it can be a useful design tool to employ. The benefits to usability, in particular, cannot be disputed. Some brands may choose to utilize certain elements of this design style without being completely flat. As a rule of thumb, it is always best to evaluate which design style would match the style of the brand.