The Layers of Robust Digital Design

Person holding and viewing tablet device.

Navigating the labyrinth of digital design into a single, definitive characterization is a tricky feat. To calcify the enormity of digital design means capturing the cognitive and emotional side of design, but also peering over to the innovative and technical layer of it as well. This can open the floodgates that beg the question, what makes a design, unmistakably, design? Specifically, digital design, there are overarching components that make it such a significant part of our every day. 

What Makes Design Resonant?          

With a myriad of pillars that are significant to digital design, form and function play a huge role. How something looks, and how something works, yet a third point to that can be added, feeling.  A user experience that not only captures the eye of its intended audience but creates an undeniable level of emotional resonance is what propels digital design further. Design, in turn, is human-centric. Human-centric design is about placing your users at the center of every design decision, while still adhering to a brand’s overall mission and goal. This balancing act, however, is key to ensure that your users become a part of a design, by providing them with a long-lasting association and experience to a digital experience. Further, this becomes brought to greater fruition when a contextual study of who you are designing for can turn into an empathetic approach to their needs. 

Person sitting at their desk, working on a laptop.

What Makes Design Usable?

Design far exceeds aesthetics and what meets the eye—although significant to portraying the visual narrative of a brand, it must not only be usable, but usable to all. What makes design usable can be measured by how easily accessible and seamless it can be. Intuitive design should enable users to perform tasks efficiently, with minimal steps and interactions needed to accomplish a given task without faulty points that will interrupt a user’s experience. This can consider a whole world of things, from tiny micro-interactions that should be included to inform a user on how they interact with an interface, to something immediately noticeable as load times, visual hierarchy, and more, every detail makes a difference. 

Seamless experience also fully considers all aspects of accessibility for every user. Incorporating accessibility standards and features for all, particularly so, natively, can elevate the user experience for users of all abilities. Usability often depends on understanding the users’ needs, preferences, and context of use. Hence, methods like user usability tests, and data-driven research are crucial to creating a usable digital design. 

A laptop slightly opened.

What Makes Design Brand Specific?

In creating a brand-specific digital design, a multi-faceted approach is essential, starting with a data-driven design that allows for contextual relevance and ensures the design speaks directly to the target audience. This is complemented by comprehensive market research, which provides insights into consumer preferences, competitor landscapes, and emerging trends, serving as the foundation upon which effective designs are built. To further refine this focus, user personas are employed to simulate different types of customers and their interaction with the brand, providing a nuanced understanding that aids in the creation of highly targeted designs.

Adhering to a brand’s established design language—such as color schemes, typography, and visual elements—ensures a cohesive and consistent presentation across all platforms, fortifying brand identity and facilitating consumer recognition. When you design and jump head-first into the mindset of your users, you not only save time designing for a brand, but it can also streamline the iterative process, the better you understand who you are designing for. 

Person stands outside next to a concrete wall, scrolling on the phone.

What Makes Design Experiential?

Design becomes experiential when it goes beyond mere aesthetics and functionality to create a holistic, immersive experience that engages the user on multiple levels—emotionally, intellectually, and even physically. Experiential design often incorporates interactive elements, engagement, and storytelling to foster a deep, meaningful connection between the user and the brand or message. It aims to create a journey that is not just visually pleasing but also emotionally resonant, and ideally, memorable.

Through careful consideration of the user’s journey, touchpoints, and overall engagement with the design, the experiential design aims to elicit specific emotional responses, prompt actions, and create a lasting impact. By focusing on the complete user experience, from the initial encounter to long-term engagement, experiential design transcends traditional boundaries to create an all-encompassing, enriching interaction that resonates on a deeply personal level. Digital design is always shifting and changing depending on the modern-day user. What makes design is its fluidity and its ability to become a unique and memorable experience for all users.