Web Development - Page 7

Web development is a technical process of combining code, site infrastructure, security, interface and visual design. A complex interdisciplinary method is often split into design and coding to achieve the basics of information architecture, usability, accessibility and optimization.

Why Your Company Needs a Blog

When we sit down with clients to first talk about the direction their website design is going, we always suggest adding a blog to the layout.  Initially we...

Google SEO

SEO: Get Found Easier And Faster On Google

At ArtVersion, we know how important your website is to your overall business model.  We try to understand how you connect to customers and communicate with customers, and...

Person typing in their credit card information onto their laptop.

How Website Design Can Lead To More Sales

When counseling clients on how to build their customer base, increase sales, and cater to their customers, we almost always start at the very beginning: web site design. ...

Very First Website

Not that long ago, back in 1991 first website was born. We are living and witnessing very fast technological evolution right now,  it’s incredible how many things we...