Erin Lentz - Page 8

As the Executive Director of Design at ArtVersion, Erin plays a pivotal role in leading the firm's design initiatives and driving successful outcomes for both internal projects and client collaborations. With her expertise and leadership, Erin oversees the strategic planning and execution of design projects, ensuring they align with clients' objectives and result in impactful brand experiences. Notably, Erin has spearheaded major strategic shifts for renowned clients such as Exelon, Hilton, TransUnion, Caterpillar, and Volvo. Her contributions have focused on driving user engagement and evolving brand experiences by expanding digital language and leveraging data science, research, and design methods. Through her leadership, Erin ensures that the design team at ArtVersion delivers exceptional solutions that not only meet client's immediate needs but also contribute to their long-term success. She fosters collaboration, encourages best practices, and promotes a culture of continuous learning within the design team. Erin's passion for design extends beyond aesthetics; she recognizes the power of design to solve complex problems, enhance user experiences, and drive business growth. Erin's impact goes beyond individual projects. She actively seeks opportunities to innovate and evolve ArtVersion's capabilities, always staying ahead of industry trends and technological advancements. By staying at the forefront of design thinking and harnessing the potential of emerging technologies, Erin empowers ArtVersion to deliver cutting-edge solutions and stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
Branding Strategies

Building A Creative Infrastructure

Organizational structures are built – block by block consisting of values, ideals and beliefs. Separately, they are abstract, but come together to form a narrative infrastructure. This is...

Branding Strategies

Is your brand ready (yet)?

In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing business environment, the qualities of relevance, purposefulness, innovation, consciousness, inclusivity, and self-awareness have become essential for a brand to thrive in the market. These...

Website Usability

Usability, Experience, and Interaction

The hub of the usability, experience and the interaction a user has with anything from web design interface to every day products, focuses on only one thing: The...

Digital Design Agency

It Never Hurts to Ask

Sometimes when you are unsure of something you may hesitate to ask someone for help and you think you can figure it out. Yes, eventually you may be...

Design Agency

First Impressions

When meeting anyone, let alone a potential client, it is very important to make a great first impression. This first impression is what they will have to compare...

Digital Design Agency

Don’t Jump to Impossible

It is an easy way out to say something is impossible when at first you do not know the answer on how to solve something. ‘Impossible’ is an...

Website Development

Knowledge of Technology

Digital Transformation in Large Enterprises: Harnessing the Power of Technological Literacy In the vast expanse of the digital realm, the complexity and dynamism of technology can often be...