4 Things You Need to Know About the Parallax Web Design Trend

Three team members strategize web design on a single laptop.

More companies are using the parallax web design method to showcase their products, tell stories, and get more engagement out of their content. This new design method uses CSS to manipulate multiple layers so that each layer moves at a different speed. This results in the visuals of a webpage come to life as you scroll through it. It brings everything from text, images, charts and multimedia together in a captivating long-page format.

So what is it that you need to know about this new web design trend? First of all, it’s the ultimate way to engage your users. Everything from the curiosity factor, visual effects, and interactivity, to the storytelling capability of the design really draws you in. At Artversion, we personally found ourselves immersed in parallax designed pages we found on other websites. If that doesn’t speak volumes about how engaging it is, we don’t know what does.

Second, it’s a magnet for links and social shares. When done right, it is bound to impress users and provided that you give them an opportunity to do so, users will be more than happy to share it to their network, link to it from their websites, and even email their friends. This is the reason why so many companies are using this design in their content marketing campaigns.

Third, it’s one of the best ways to present a physical product. You can portray all the different angles of your product while educating the reader about its specifications and features. It’s also very easy to tell a story about how the product can be used which really brings it to life. Parallax really outdoes the everyday feature/benefit fact sheet everyone is accustomed to.

Finally, it will set your brand or company apart from the competition. Talk about making a big impact. Parallax design can really start a conversation in your marketplace and give your brand/company the attention everyone is vying for. We like to think that parallax design is visual storytelling at its best and this design method is the perfect vehicle for telling your corporate or brand story.

Parallax web design is definitely here to stay and is more than a passing fad. The design industry has only scratched the surface of it is used. But like all other trends, the mass audience will get used to it and at a certain point, its effectiveness will diminish slightly over time. That’s why right now is the perfect time to really look into how it works and start utilizing it for your business.