Web Design - Page 3

Web design is the overarching discipline that combines visual communications and technology to help deliver the message to the users. With over two decades in the web design industry, the ArtVersion web design agency team shares insights, tips, and discoveries based on factual analysis and data often quoted in press and media outlets.

A Better Internet for Tomorrow, For All

The magnitude of the capabilities that the Internet has radiated into our modern-day world has been boundless and powerful. The Internet is such an immense source that is...

Web Animation Design

Web Animation: The Endless Possibilities

With any digital design interface, web animations have become an integral component to design. Animations on web interfaces allow for a much more eye-catching design that can be...

designing iterations

Creative Process: Design is Iterative

Working together takes a certain amount of empathy and curiosity – which aren’t always the easiest qualities to tap into at a moment’s notice. They are, however, invaluable...

e-commerce design

Take Note: Web Design Trends To Watch

It’s an essential part of staying competitive in the current market – keeping up to date with trends. Regardless of industry, any company, brand or organization who is...

ArtVersion UI/UX Design collaborative session in the office.

What’s Next: Web Design Trends

For years, minimalism in web design has reigned popularity. Whether for usability, user experience, or design aesthetics reasons, a simplistic approach to the site design is recognizable and appealing and expected...

Defining User Personas: Why It Matters

Defining User Personas: Why It Matters

In the pursuit of exceptional UX design, user personas are an important piece of the puzzle that designers can’t afford to overlook. In order to design ideal solutions...

office worker typing on laptop

The Impact of Design Systems on Brand Experience

In today’s digitally-driven culture, delivering exceptionally designed products is paramount. As the user experience becomes ever more significant in today’s world, brands are finding they need to evolve...

two people in an office

5 Pro Tips for Overcoming Creative Blocks

Regardless of experience or skill level, every designer will inevitably face stuck points in their work. While creative blocks can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening, they can actually...


User-Centered Design: Prioritizing User Experience

In a digital environment moving toward more personalized experiences, there are, unfortunately, still some websites that prioritize their own objectives over a user-centered design. These sites mistakenly begin...