Responsive Design

Responsive design plays a crucial role in delivering an excellent user experience, as it enables a website’s layout, visuals, navigation, and usability to adapt seamlessly across different devices, be it desktop or mobile.

This approach ensures that users enjoy a consistent and smooth experience, free from cognitive friction, regardless of their screen size. By implementing responsive design, designers can optimize the user interface for various devices, maintaining a cohesive and engaging experience while accommodating users’ diverse needs and preferences.

A group of team members collaborate in a studio setting.

AMP Project: What You Need to Know Now

AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, is a project introduced by Google last year. Initially designed for news results and ‘top stories’, AMP’s capabilities have recently expanded into main...

A UX/UI designer smiles while working on a laptop in a dimly lit room.

Did somebody say: Above the fold

The phrase “above the fold” was relevant and still is when using it in the context of newspaper design and layout but when using it in terms of...

A designer interacts with a tablet device.

How Responsive Web Design Changed the Web

One of the most game-changing trends in the Internet marketing industry has been responsive web design. This web design approach builds a website so that it adapts to...