Elements to Look For When Deciding On an Outside Team for Marketing Collaboration

From startup to enterprise, there are a myriad of challenges in hiring the right creative team for any given project. Finding the right group of individuals to handle a product launch, event campaign or website design can be a daunting task, even holding the health of the business in the balance, so choosing the right agency to partner with is vital to a positive outcome.

Even if conducted solely in-house with internal teams who have an intimate understanding of the brand at hand, each branding initiative is a coordinated effort of stakeholders, accountability, idea generation and – let’s face it, ultimately –  a juggling act. Even with the right internal resources, it can be a benefit for companies and brands to obtain an outside perspective from both creative and logistical standpoints. Individuals who can objectively look at assets and then engage with the material are able to design pathways and connections that those too connected to the brand may not see. This method allows for a heightened market perspective and breakthrough ideas.


A visionary perspective for both the agency’s own philosophies and for the brands they represent is one of the first things that will draw an audience. A clear vision for the brand means that they can see the past, understand the present and plan for the future.

Strategic Thinking

An agency should be able to strategize all aspects of the project or campaign as necessary and/or outlined at the onset. Strategy in the form of design thinking, sprint, collaboration or the like, should be applied to both the implementation of the project as well as the handling of logistics, timeline and launch plan.


It’s easy to get distracted with bold graphics, a great pitch or a culture fit that seems spot on. But looks can be deceiving. Asking for references may not only alienate the team but usually prove a waste of time. Research the portfolio, past work and even ask for similar projects that the team has handled in the past.


Ensure that the team can see out the strategy they have presented. Do they have development capabilities? Is photography needed? Copywriting? It’s not ideal to have to weave in outside stakeholders mid-stream so making sure the resources to complete the planned project all the way through is essential.


To truly get an open minded, curious and collaborative team, there should be members of different areas of concentration. Take for instance a website design. While designers work to create appealing interfaces, it’s the development team that knows how to make them come to life. Likewise with content and UX strategies. Input from all sides will ensure a well-rounded outcome.