Branding Design


We are a top branding agency from Chicago, renowned globally for creating impactful brand identities.


We develop a unique design language for each specific brand, crafted for visual, authentic identities that resonate across audiences.

ArtVersion Digital Design Agency Team.

Reach your brand’s full potential with ArtVersion, a full-service branding agency specializing in both print and digital design solutions. From brand design to marketing and advertisement design, our experts provide comprehensive design strategies tailored to elevate your brand identity and effectively engage your target audience.



Abstract, custom print design for marketing design collateral.

Branding design encompasses all the core attributes that represent and differentiate your brand’s legacy. At ArtVersion, we future-proof the gaps between brand development and user interaction with print and digital experiences across every touchpoint. Our approach is visual, narrative, and human-centered.

The laptop computer displays ArtVersion's accessible and usable web design portfolio work.

Case Studies

Modern Living

The Charles

Branding – Web Design

Powering Cleaner and Brighter Feature


Corporate Communications Design

Make the Diference


Branding – Web Design

Themed Meeting Spaces


UI/UX Design - Print Design

World Leading Transportation


Web Design – UI/UX Design

Case Studies
TransUnion Environmental Sign Design.

Designing new product branding with your team was fun.

Brand design is a multi-layered discipline, and with our trusted expertise, the ArtVersion agency team serves as a catalyst to many brands seeking brand activation or design language consistency. In a competitive market, design consistency and brand recognition are key to conversions.

Team member sits at desk.
Design Systems and Color Brand Guides displayed on a printed book, and iPad screen.

One of the Top Branding Agencies

IAA Award.
VEGA Digital Award.
Google Mobile Excellence.
w3 Award.
awwwards award.
Clutch Award.

Every brand carries its legacy. Let's make yours unforgettable.

Catch your audience's eye with a future-forward logo design and color palette for your brand.


Enrich your brand identity by authentically representing your mission, vision, and values.


Unlock your brand's potential with tailored strategic planning and expert insight.


Speak the language of your users with a design language system that communicates your brand.


Propel consistency at every touchpoint of your visual communications from print to digital.


Touch up your existing visual architecture and brand ecosystems with a rejuvenated look.


Gain insights into your brand's visual impact with a deep-dive analysis and audit.


Craft a powerful narrative with a content strategy that resonates with your audience.


Enhance your market positioning through compelling visual storytelling.


Articulate and showcase your brand's distinct attributes effectively.


Set of guidelines that dictate the visual presentation of the brand, ensuring uniformity and coherence in all visual outputs.


Design language of a brand encompasses the unique visual and stylistic elements that communicate its identity consistently across all media.


Branding design is not just about logos that catch the eye; it's the art of forging a language that echoes the story, ethos, and commitment of your brand. This is the powerhouse driving your brand's core, its standing in the marketplace, and its profound connection with users. With a focus on human-centric and innovative approaches, we make your brand unmistakably distinctive, undeniably yours.

Strategic Approach to Branding Design

Our approach to branding is rooted in strategy and research. We begin by immersing ourselves in the brand's world – understanding its history, audience, and competition. This insight forms the foundation of our design strategy. We then proceed to create a unique visual identity that aligns with the brand's objectives and market positioning. This process involves a careful selection of design elements such as typography, imagery, and color palettes, ensuring they collectively convey the right message and emotion. Our goal is to create a brand identity that is not only distinctive and memorable but also deeply relevant to its intended audience.

A client's logo outside of a building window.

Creating a Cohesive Brand Experience

The ultimate goal of branding design is to create a cohesive and consistent brand experience across all touchpoints. Whether it's digital platforms, print materials, packaging, or physical spaces, every interaction with the brand should reinforce its identity and values. At ArtVersion, we specialize in translating a brand's visual language into a versatile and adaptable system. This system ensures that the brand's identity is maintained with integrity, regardless of the medium or context. By achieving this level of consistency, we help brands build trust and recognition, establishing a strong and enduring presence in their respective markets.

The power of branding design lies in its ability to shape customer perceptions and experiences. A well-crafted brand design can evoke emotions, build trust, and foster loyalty. Our team is acutely aware of the psychological impact of visual elements and how they influence consumer behavior. 

A creative agency design team collaborating in the office.

We are curiosity-driven, inspired by good design, innovative web technologies and cool brands.


Visual Branding Through Design-led Strategies

At ArtVersion, we believe the best branding designs emerge from a collaborative and iterative process. As a creative extension of our clients’ team, we work closely to involve them in every step of the design journey. Our team's expertise in research is combined with client perspectives and insight, leading to a brand that feels deeply authentic and representative of its legacy.

Our team will develop comprehensive brand guidelines and package them into a brand book, ensuring your long-term brand maintenance and consistency across all mediums. This essential tool will empower your team to uphold the integrity of your brand identity, guaranteeing uniformity in messaging, design, and overall brand experience.

ArtVersion Web Design work example.

Who We Serve

Collaborating with influential startups and established companies, the ArtVersion team uncovers unique design opportunities that encapsulate the essence of each brand. Through our expertise in interactive design, we assist brands in forging meaningful connections with their audiences, consequently solidifying their legacies. Our focus at its core is human-centric design — crafting visually compelling, design-led narratives that resonate with users and reinforce the brand ethos.

Listening on what your audience wants needs desire .

A speaker device. Graphic design.

Our purpose

Elevating Brands Through Design-led Strategies for Aligned Business Objectives

Whether a brand refresh, new brand development, positioning, and campaign development, our team is focused on intricacies and detail that matters. Collaborating closely with founders, change makers and company visionaries on creating authentic brand stories that resonate is how we are able to capture the essence of each brand we work with. Our approach blends established branding frameworks with a user-centric mindset, offering a fresh perspective on developing unique design language.

ArtVersion design agency book image.
ArtVersion clients logo.
ArtVersion clients logo.
ArtVersion client logo.
ArtVersion clients logo.
ArtVersion clients logo.
ArtVersion clients logo.
ArtVersion clients logo.
ArtVersion clients logo seal.
ArtVersion clients logo.
ArtVersion clients logo.
ArtVersion clients logo.
ArtVersion clients logo.
ArtVersion clients logo.

Our brand design distinctively integrates innovative design strategies with insightful market analysis—if you have a project in mind that deserves attention, don't hesitate to reach out.