Web Design Company - Page 3

Continually ranked as the top web design company, the ArtVersion team regularly publishes insights, research and development in areas of design, experience and coding disciplines. For the last two decades, frequently quoted by media and academic textbooks, insights shared often cover usability, accessibility and web standards overarching user experience as the aspiration.

UI/UX Design

Site Redesign to Match Your Brand

Does your website reflect your brand? Does it invoke all the emotional triggers of your brand or convey the unique qualities that represent your brand? Unfortunately, most businesses...

Corporate Web Design

Designing an Engaging Corporate Website

For most companies, a corporate website serves to inform the public, prospects, customers, potential business partners, and investors. Unfortunately, the language and web design often lead to user...

UI/UX Design

Understanding Web Design for Startups

As a startup, your goal is to make a big splash in the marketplace and ride that momentum to success. But with an ocean of other startups in...

WordPress Design

Web Development WordPress

WordPress is one of the best content manage systems you can use to build your site on. It’s requires the lowest skill cap, has the most plugin accessibility,...

UI/UX Design

Design Strategies For UI/UX

Once an idea for a website is developed, the actual design phase can begin. This much is obvious. Most people focus on different design elements they want to...

Marketing Strategies

Site Design And Market Relevance

Web design plays a bigger role in the success of an online business than most would like to admit. The adage that “content is king” only holds true...

Exploring The Magneto eCommerce Platform

The world of eCommerce solutions has been crowded for a while. Businesses can choose from custom proprietary shopping carts, hosted ecommerce solution and of course our favorite open...

Responsive Design

How Responsive Web Design Changed the Web

One of the most game-changing trends in the Internet marketing industry has been responsive web design. This web design approach builds a website so that it adapts to...

Site Mapping

How to Properly Create Sitemaps

Whether you’re setting up a new website or planning to start a redesign project, you need to have a proper sitemap set up to help your pages get...

Design Development Trends

Today’s Trends in Web Development and Design

Web development and design have undergone significant changes recently, driven by new technologies, emerging platforms, and the public availability of social media APIs. Leveraging these trends can simplify...

Two team members working on a white board. One person takes notes, the other observes.

The Importance of Good Web Design

When you are running a business or trying to promote your brand understanding the importance of good web design and branding can mean the difference between finding success...

UI Design

UI and UX: How They Impact Our Lives

Throughout the creation, as well as the upkeep, of many organizations websites’, the ideas of Users Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) tend to get pushed under rug...

Responsive Design

The Ins and Outs of Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design (RWD), what is it? Why is it important? And how can it benefit my organization? These are really great questions to ask when you first...

A person sits on a bench outside taking notes in their notebook.

Why Responsive Web Design

It seems in our everyday lives that we are never more than an arm’s length away from access to the internet. This is thanks in large part to...

A person flips through a notebook and binder, a calculator placed on top.

Optimizing Your eCommerce Web Design

Having a website can help you promote any type of business that you have, whether it is a traditional business or an virtual eCommerce store. Regardless of what type...