Erin Lentz - Page 5

As the Executive Director of Design at ArtVersion, Erin plays a pivotal role in leading the firm's design initiatives and driving successful outcomes for both internal projects and client collaborations. With her expertise and leadership, Erin oversees the strategic planning and execution of design projects, ensuring they align with clients' objectives and result in impactful brand experiences. Notably, Erin has spearheaded major strategic shifts for renowned clients such as Exelon, Hilton, TransUnion, Caterpillar, and Volvo. Her contributions have focused on driving user engagement and evolving brand experiences by expanding digital language and leveraging data science, research, and design methods. Through her leadership, Erin ensures that the design team at ArtVersion delivers exceptional solutions that not only meet client's immediate needs but also contribute to their long-term success. She fosters collaboration, encourages best practices, and promotes a culture of continuous learning within the design team. Erin's passion for design extends beyond aesthetics; she recognizes the power of design to solve complex problems, enhance user experiences, and drive business growth. Erin's impact goes beyond individual projects. She actively seeks opportunities to innovate and evolve ArtVersion's capabilities, always staying ahead of industry trends and technological advancements. By staying at the forefront of design thinking and harnessing the potential of emerging technologies, Erin empowers ArtVersion to deliver cutting-edge solutions and stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Getting to Know Your Conversion Goals

Whether coming to our agency for a site refresh, rebrand or identity development – all of our clients have one thing in common: they want to make their...

Design Language: The Power of Consistency

Creating a digital experience that features consistent elements throughout is a core principle in successful design. Consistency is a critical component of user experience design, content strategy and...

A person uses a stylus to design graphic design.

Embracing Human-Centric Web Design

Human-centric web design is an approach that prioritizes the needs, preferences, and expectations of users throughout the design process. By focusing on the human experience, designers can create...

Creative Collaboration

AMP Project: What You Need to Know Now

AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, is a project introduced by Google last year. Initially designed for news results and ‘top stories’, AMP’s capabilities have recently expanded into main...


Building Ecommerce: Increasing Conversions

It’s estimated that over half of visitors to an ecommerce site will abandon their shopping carts for some reason or another. While there are many reasons, both known...

Website Refresh

Refreshing Your Manufacturing Website

Technology changes fast, and while most manufacturers stay on top of up to date advancements with their products, their websites can become outdated when updated only with basic...

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy: Do You Need a Sub-Brand?

Whether in the early stages of brand building, or a well-known household brand – it’s possible that the use of a sub-brand could increase sales and market awareness...

Usability Testing

How Does Your Site Measure Up?

As if we needed another reminder that web usability has become an integral part of user experience – Google released a new service to test your site’s usability and...

Branding Strategies

Designing Digital Experiences in Fashion

Marketing and brand strategy for fashion, lifestyle and luxury brands has now clearly shifted to a predominantly digital experience that goes far beyond an online purchase. To grow brand...