How to Get Set Up for Usability, UI and UX Testing

Usability Testing

Many marketing managers know that they want to improve their website’s usability, UI, and UX, but don’t quite know how to approach such a project. They often don’t know where to start or what to pay attention. To make any kind of design testing worthwhile, you have to break it down into simple steps and stay focused on what you want to achieve.

The first step to getting set up for any kind of testing is to first observe what’s happening on your website. You can do this with the usage of click heat map software tools, analytics, and general statistics. Most of these software tools are cheap, fairly easy to set up and understand. They will give you a good idea of how users are interacting with your website on multiple levels.

After a few days of collecting this information, you need to think about your primary goal and backtrack to figure out how the user would reach that goal. For example, let’s say that your users are coming to shop on your eCommerce store and browse a specific category. You may want to the user to click that category’s link and search under the category. Then, you may want to organize the search results in a logical way.

After defining what the goal is and how you want users to reach it, you have to break down the steps that the user will take. Upon landing on your site, the user will have to find the category of products he wants to browse. Then, the users will have to use the category-specific search function to find the type of product he’s looking for. Doing this will isolate the steps so that you can focus on improving the design for each individual part.

This is where you want have to think about how to improve the UX design for each step. You may focus on the user interface on the first step to see if the category links are clearly organized, intuitive, and well designed. Then, you may want to try to improve the usability for the second step if you find that the search function has not been optimized to the best of its ability.

Finally, you want to test the effectiveness of the new UX design. You want to create new designs, images, layouts, or formatting to see if it performs better than the last iteration. By working on improving the design for each step, it’ll ultimately lead to an outstanding user experience for the goal you’ve set.

Improving your site’s usability, UI, and UX doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. By following these simple steps, you can make big improvements in your website’s performance, particularly towards a section of your website that’s been having trouble getting users to interact.