Branding - Page 7

Effective branding alongside strong brand design results in higher recognition, awareness and brand loyalty. The effectiveness of branding is determined by how accurately the customer perceives the brand’s intended message through visual and written communication creating a brand value or experience. The power of brands to communicate with emotional user impact and the ability to attract attention directly correlates to branding efforts followed by the brand promise.

Packaging and Branding Design

Package Design And Branding Are Connected

As I walk down the aisles of a store, I often notice something that’s annoying: packages that were opened. The product is still inside. In many cases, the...

Printed color hues.

Branding and Consistency

Recently at the ArtVersion offices we had a client who needed help re-branding. They were looking for a new logo, color scheme, basically the works. As we were...

A close-up of a person tying on a computer, while a latte cup takes center focus.

Brand Voice

As businesses strive to connect with their audiences in meaningful ways, the way a brand communicates – its tone, language, and character – plays a pivotal role in...

Person with a baseball cap and plaid shirt using Photo Shop

Rediscover Your Brand Episode #3

This is Rediscover Your Brand Episode #3 transcription reference. Title: “Combining Web and Print”  Welcome to the REDISCOVER YOUR BRAND podcast.  My name is Jason McCoy, I’m going...

Package Design

Package Design for Your Product

Anytime that you are marketing a retail product package design is the most important factor. People notice the package and if it is attractive, branding will soar. Having a...

Person hanging concept images on a white, brick wall.

The Importance of User Interface Design

It is important for any web designer to design functional sites that can easily generate interest and online traffic among the internet users. The user interface design of...

Rediscover Your Brand Podcast

Starting in June 2011 ArtVersion will start podcast titled: Rediscover Your Brand.  In this new podcast we will cover tips and tricks for keeping your visual brand fresh...

Brand Building

How Design Can Shape a Business

Graphic design is one of the most important aspects to any business. The ability to sell products and convey a message visually gives companies a creative edge over...


Using Photography to Stand Out from the Crowd

Custom photography can help businesses stand out from the competition. While other companies are using stock photos, having photography that is taken specifically to sell or promote your...

Annual Report Design

Effective Annual Report Design

With the end of the year rapidly approaching, the time of annual reports is upon us. Many businesses chose to recap their year by publishing an annual report...



Typography is one of the most essential elements of a successful design, whether it’s a web site design, brochure or even a business card. The use of good...

Brochure Design

Brochure Design

In today’s digital age, many companies have stopped focusing on designing brochures in favor of fancier websites and a larger web presence.  At ArtVersion we know how important...

Tradeshow design

Trade Show Graphics

The ultimate goal of a trade show graphics display extends beyond just making an immediate impression; it’s about creating lasting engagement with potential customers and converting them into...

A designer strategizes design interface on their laptop, as they sit on a leather couch.

Why Your Company Needs a Blog

When we sit down with clients to first talk about the direction their website design is going, we always suggest adding a blog to the layout.  Initially we...

UI/UX design team collaborating in an office setting.

The Power of Email Direct Marketing

We know companies are always on the look out for inexpensive ways of communicating with their customers.  Today we’re here to explain email marketing, which is a form...

Person typing in their credit card information onto their laptop.

How Website Design Can Lead To More Sales

When counseling clients on how to build their customer base, increase sales, and cater to their customers, we almost always start at the very beginning: web site design. ...

Person on an iPad working on branding design.

Why Brand Design Matters

Many of our clients come to us for help with branding.  However, not all of them understand how important design is to branding.  We find ourselves having the...