Blog - Page 28

A grocery store cart on pavement, shown in black and white.

Web Design For eCommerce Is Different

Web design is always interesting topic that people of all backgrounds and interests seem to be exploring. What’s interesting to see online and throughout publications is the amount...

E-Commerce Design

eCommerce Web Design

Entering into the world of eCommerce there are a few things that are of major importance. On the side of web design, we’ve got you covered. When it...

Person creating typography and font typefaces.

Content Marketing for Small Businesses

Site Creator just released the findings of their first annual Small Business Usage Study. The results confirm that all small businesses should update their website, incorporate a blog,...

A close-up of an office worker collaborating.

The Secret to Website Readability

The success of a website hinges on may factors. One that is often overlooked in favor of graphics and color choices is the readability of the site. Long...

A user uses their laptop for web design.

How to Promote Your New Website

Having a new website designed or updating an old one is a very exciting time for your company! Yet many companies launch their new sites without any grand...

Blog Design.

Design Elements to Add to a Company Blog

If one of your new years resolutions is to incorporate a blog on your company’s website, there are a few must-have design elements to keep in mind. It’s...

Website Design Elements.

The Important Elements of a Website

Designing a good website is about more than picking a color scheme and slapping on a header. The truly great websites have a few elements that need to...

Website design trends.

Top Website Marketing Trends for 2011

You knew this was coming.  How could we let January pass without doing a trend prediction? Here is what we’ll be watching for as 2011 passes by:

Conceptual design stage.

How Design Can Shape a Business

Graphic design is one of the most important aspects to any business. The ability to sell products and convey a message visually gives companies a creative edge over...

A user interacts with a website.

How to Market a Website

Most businesses view their website as a marketing tool to promote their business. A good site is a strong marketing tool. It disseminates information, allows visitors to get...


Using Photography to Stand Out from the Crowd

Custom photography can help businesses stand out from the competition. While other companies are using stock photos, having photography that is taken specifically to sell or promote your...

Three people work on their laptops.

How to Keep Visitors on Your Site

Keeping visitors on a website is the ultimate goal of any website owner. After all, it can be disheartening to look at Google Analytics and see you had...

Workflow strategy ideation.

Website Redesign

As the digital landscape continuously evolves, many businesses are contemplating a much-needed website redesign. With the dawn of a new year on the horizon, it’s the perfect time...

Creative collaboration via digital conferencing.

4 Questions to Ask Your Web Designer

Hiring someone to build and design a website is not an easy task. A website is very important to a business and can feel very personal to the...

A design agency team collaborates on user interface design strategy around a laptop.

First Impressions Matter

When designing a website, always consider the first impression you want to impart on your visitors. A good first impression will increase the chances that your visitor will...

A user navigates website interactivity.

The Power of Website Interactivity

A secret to creating a website that will engage visitors is to be interactive. An interactive site means anything and everything from contests to displaying products in a...