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Blog - Page 28

Creative Collaboration

Nonprofit Website Design Tips

Designing for a nonprofit website is not entirely different than designing a for profit business site, but there are subtle differences that should be kept in mind.

Design Trends

3 Trends in Blog Design

Three Progressive Trends in Blog Design Blog design is increasingly becoming an indispensable facet of modern web design aesthetics. As more organizations pivot towards the utilization of blogging...

Design with your Customer in Mind

When making decisions on web design, take your favorite color out of the equation. Don’t think about your own personal feelings on design. Instead think about what color...

Content Design

Content Matters Too

A great web design can only go so far in keeping customers on your site.  The design starts with colors, logos, buttons, etc.  Meetings on color choices become...

Website Design

Producing a Good Website Design

In today’s web-focused society, most people visit multiple websites a day.  When they happen upon a really well designed site, they know it.  But what makes that site...


Web Fonts

Web design is an art, and there are many variables that need to work together to produce the best website possible. One of those factors is font choice. ...

Above the Fold

As you know by now, there are many factors that go into designing a website.  One that we take very seriously is what is visible “above the fold”,...

Brochure Design

Brochure Design

In today’s digital age, many companies have stopped focusing on designing brochures in favor of fancier websites and a larger web presence.  At ArtVersion we know how important...

Start Up Design

Website Design for Startup Companies

Starting a company is an extremely exciting time. There is so much to think about and so many important decisions to make. When determining where to put the...

UI Design

User Interface Design

Many of our clients are well-versed in web design terminology, yet the concept of user interface (UI) design often elicits puzzled looks. Given its critical role in the...

Tradeshow design

Trade Show Graphics

The ultimate goal of a trade show graphics display extends beyond just making an immediate impression; it’s about creating lasting engagement with potential customers and converting them into...


Joomla over WordPress or WordPress over Joomla

Website design is crucial for businesses aiming to boost sales, expand their customer base, and enhance customer service efficiency. At ArtVersion, we encounter clients with diverse business needs...

Why Your Company Needs a Blog

When we sit down with clients to first talk about the direction their website design is going, we always suggest adding a blog to the layout.  Initially we...

UI/UX Design

The Power of Email Direct Marketing

We know companies are always on the look out for inexpensive ways of communicating with their customers.  Today we’re here to explain email marketing, which is a form...

Google SEO

SEO: Get Found Easier And Faster On Google

At ArtVersion, we know how important your website is to your overall business model.  We try to understand how you connect to customers and communicate with customers, and...

Person typing in their credit card information onto their laptop.

How Website Design Can Lead To More Sales

When counseling clients on how to build their customer base, increase sales, and cater to their customers, we almost always start at the very beginning: web site design. ...

Person on an iPad working on branding design.

Why Brand Design Matters

Many of our clients come to us for help with branding.  However, not all of them understand how important design is to branding.  We find ourselves having the...